Saturday, March 14, 2009

Are the Heartland Cafe Owners Deceiving Their Customers?

Actual Photograph of Said Offense @ 3:30 PM:

A neighbor on March 14, 2009 @ 1:45 PM said...> "I live across the street from the Heartland and have looked across to it a few times today. They have propped the door with the health department sign completely open so that only the back of the sticker is visible.

Their sign out front states that they will be reopening soon and their website claims that they are closed for "renovations." I'm a little disgusted that they are attempting to circumvent the public notifications that are required by law and leading their patrons to believe something that is entirely untrue. I can only wish that the city comes back and slaps a fine for such deplorable behavior...."

Hypocritical Community Leaders.


a girl on albion said...

The title of this post doesn't need to be a question. Heartland is deliberately deceiving their customers by hiding the sign and stating that they are closed for "renovations." They are lying.

The website also says,"Please check back for our re-opening celebration." So they are going to throw a "Hurrah, we passed our health inspection on the 3rd try" party?

The comments that the owners have made to the press suggest that they do not take the health of their customers seriously. They seem more indignant than apologetic for making someone sick. They think they should have been given a few days to address the violations -- meaning they wanted to keep serving food to the public knowing that they had a rodent feces/mold/unsafe food problem. If they cared about our safety, they should have wanted to close immediately when they became aware of the problems.

I would love for Heartland to reopen with a clean kitchen and much better food, but the attitude of the owners -- lying to customers, not taking food-bourne illness seriously, and acting like the health department is being "unfair" -- makes me want to stay away.

Razldazlrr said...

I agree - that is horrible - their very first concern should be about their customers and the health of their kitchen/food.

floss said...

Grime is down.

Rogers Park Vigilance said...

The new menus & signage are being created...

"Ptomaine & Romaine"

backintherog said...

@tea party: +1!

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