Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Joe Moore's Neighborhood has a Serious Gang Problem

Joe Moore reads this blog religiously. He knows what's going on. Every word of it. And the comments too. He's so loyal, he keeps a file of the photographs and content. He just chooses to publicly ignore the blog. Like the gang-tag in front of his office.

Not only does he ignore my repeated requests on this blog - as he ignores my repeated requests for any type of service via email - as he ignores my repeated requests for answers in person - as he ignores my repeated requests for information at community meetings - he's very spiteful.

He just hopes you guys are as dumb as the people who vote for this 'clueless on crime clown' every election cycle. He won't admit he has a gang problem in his ward. But the Sun-Times today reports this.
"Victim recently dropped out of Sullivan High School because pressure to join a gang...."
I've done my 1/3 and 1/3. I've been about as "community" and "public" as one person can be. Clearly Joe and the new commander won't listen to me. It's time for others to step to the plate. Otherwise this is only going to get worse in 2009. The next stray bullet could hit you.


RP Free Speech said...

If you, Craig, and many other bloggers in Rogers Park, are TWO-thirds, then just HOW MANY THIRDS will it take to make the WHOLE?

Enough of Ald. Joe Moore and his narcissism AND his Grecian Formula HAIR!

To ignore ANOTHER shooting in near proximity to his own home (do he and Babs really LIVE there?) should be considered OUTRAGEOUS by his constituents of the 49th Ward!


Ald. Joe Moore only cares about MONEY ($110,556 per year PLUS to 'run' 2 square miles of Chicago!)

Unknown said...

Craig, it is possible Joe NEEDS the gangs in our neighborhood. On a notice from the alderman, gangs can work together to register voters (and tell ppl who to vote for) which in return gives the gang a list of possible recruits and a likely repayment from the alderman which could be anything from person x's gf working on election day to pulling the cops off a bit.

Historically there have been alderman who would associate with gangs to ensure their re-election. I'm not saying Joe does yet based on the problems we have all seen around here I won't rule it out.

Sure, Joe is probably a little unnerved about some of the crime associated with gangs, but if these gangs allow him to stay in office it's a small price to pay.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Judging by some of the people I see hanging out in front of the polling stations over the years passing out his materials, this theory of yours has crossed my mind.

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