Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mayhem Inside Sullivan Fight School

2:50 PM: There's been some major outdoor brawls going around Pratt and Newgard that's gotten numerious 911 callers, but it sounds like all hell has broken loose inside Sullivan Fight School, 1st floor, south end. Police are radioing for back-up.

Police are short-handed due to a stolen car police chase on the west end of the district. That ended with the offenders crashing the car, then two people jumped out and fled on foot in two different directions. Officers gave chase on foot and captured one. (Huge props to the first responding officer who gave chase and offered spot-on directions over the radio and on foot. All that in about 4 minutes. Awesome job! That's some top-notch police work.)

6:50 PM: The gang brawls continue. Pratt and Ashland. Canes and crates are being used as weapons.


AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

On that stolen car situation, I observed several squad cars on corners around the Granville-Richmond-Devon-Francisco area. I saw this while we were dropping off one of my classmates from school.

As for the school brawls, I saw it coming because of the shooting on Fargo last night and the brawls around Farwell and Greenview.

Rogers Park Vigilance said...

What are the rules for fighting in school? If you start or willingly participate in a fight, are you let back into the school at some point and WHY? It seems to me that when you start eliminating the rotten apples, eventually you're going to achieve an environment conducive to learning. I know that's too simplistic and it would take much more but come on, the idiots starting these fights could care less about learning. Let's get rid of them and show the kids that DO want to learn that we care. I'd rather ruin the lives of a few than let a few ruin the lives of many.

Ryne said...

Craig: On a different subject. This story from the Tribune shows why we do not want the Olympic in Chicago.

The committee is already asking the State for 100million dollars for MORE money to help bring the games here! I don't want to think what the price tag the tax payers of the city will be asked to pony up once the games are gone, due to all the "extra costs" that will occur.

Olympic bid team wants more state money
March 11, 2009 9:45 PM | 1 Comment
Olympics supporters are asking for a much higher financial guarantee from the state -- $250 million -- to help Chicago win its bid for the 2016 Games.
The request dwarfs the $150 million in taxpayer money pledged in 2007 by ousted Gov. Rod Blagojevich and comes amid worries that Chicago's bid is at a competitive disadvantage because it doesn't include the full government guarantees offered by rival finalists Tokyo, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro.

"We've always anticipated working with the state on a guarantee and that's the start of that process," said Patrick Sandusky, a spokesman for the Chicago 2016 bid team.

A spokesman for Gov. Patrick Quinn confirmed his support for the additional $100 million.

Quinn met with Mayor Richard Daley in February and discussed the state's guarantee.

"In the past, Governor Quinn has expressed his desire to bring the Olympics to Illinois," spokesman Bob Reed said. "He said the state would do whatever it had to do to help the bid."

The bid team has already lined up $500 million in city guarantees and $500 million in private insurance to cover any potential losses in operating the games. Bid officials say it's very unlikely the funds would ever be tapped.

A Senate committee on Wednesday advanced legislation that could be moved into place for quick action by the legislature as soon as lawmakers negotiate the details with the Chicago 2016 committee. An evaluation team from the International Olympic Committee is scheduled to visit Chicago in early April to inspect the city and assess its bid.

--Kathy Bergen and Ashley Rueff

LuLu Baby said...

Something to consider. Are the gangs that are currently being rousted of of Howard Street because of the Howard Street initiative moving into new or other gang territory?

I ask this because I feel despite the need to have the Howard Street initiative is if all you are doing is displacing the trouble makers and pushing them into some other gang's territory, you will get more violence.

This is similar to the blue light camera. Once the camera's went up, the dealers just moved out of sight. Camera's didn't make crime go away. Similarly, the Howard Street initiative, while sounding good, may just have the effect of moving the gangs somewhere else. Unless the police are going to enlarge their inititive it really is pointless.

I do have to say, however, that the commander's 1/3 community 1/3 individual and 1/3 police group effort does need more reflection.

Craig... why haven't you called in the graphitti? All people should call 311 and report graphitti as soon as they can. Leaving it up on the pole just act as a billboard for the gang element. Frankly, if I knew the location, I would call it in. As citizens we should be doing more too. Get your neighbors together and pick up the trash on the parkway in front of your house and your neighbor's homes. I do it regularly.

Be a court advocate. They need people to go to court to show support prosecution of landlords.

Go to your caps meetings. If there are problem buildings, lobby to get the building into the Gang enforcement drug house section.

Volunteer at parks and playlots. These kids need as much good reinforcement of values from upstanding people. Show them something better than gangs.

Yes, Joe Moore is a chump. But whine about it or you can do something about it.

Craig first thing Thursday, please call in the graphitti.

MadeInRogersPark said...

Is the Principal at Sullivan HS afraid to implement the Uniform Discipline Code. If there i all this fighting there are consequences such as in school suspension ------ , out of school suspension ------, relocation for safety reason, -----and referral for expulsion and after this occurs then the child is placed in an Alternative SAFE SCHOOL!
Believe me you do not want to wind up there so the threat of removal could calm some students. Also more PARENT INVOLVEMENT seems to be a necessity!
Good Luck!

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