Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Music of Ed Tracy (Updated)

The New Zealand Army Band. The Newmont Military Band. The Heron Military Band. The 20th Motor-shooting Guards’ Volgograd Division Military Orchestra of Russia. Is this the type of entertainment the Morse Theatre Marquee will be displaying in the near future? Not that's there's anything wrong with this music -- and maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't think it will sell enough tickets. And I surely don't think the Morse Theatre is ready for a long running play on the musical life of silent film star, Buster Keaton.

Open Message to the Principles of the Morse Theatre:
Yoo-hoo. Remember me? I saved you guys a couple hundred thousand dollars in extra fire damage. I live directly behind this six million dollar jewel. Yeah, I know you guys are reading this. You've strung us along in the mainstream media long enough. I've been patient long enough. You know how to reach me. Do tell. Enquiring minds want to know. So, what's going on? What type of music can we expect? What kind of food will you serve? What are your hours going to be? And will you please remove the banner reading, "The end is near."

Update: All humor aside. I got off the phone with someone high up in this whole deal. I'm promised everything will be just fine. It's just going to take a little more time. But rest assured, the Morse Theatre will come alive again.

As for my chiding Mr. Tracy's possible choice of acts he may book. My jump-to-the-conclusion concert schedule was meant to lighten up a rather dark situation at the moment. I'm sorry if it offended you.


Craig Gernhardt said...

To the new Morse principles: You've been timed on my stat-counter spending 21 minutes reading the blog, this morning. Surely you can answer the questions?

ISP: Tawani Enterprises
Visit Length: 21 mins.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Back again....LOL.

Host Name:
ISP: Tawani Enterprises
Visit Length: 31 seconds

Jocelyn said...

I agree. I want that banner removed. It's so depressing.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Jocelyn, I brought that up in the conversation I had this morning. I didn't get a time-table confirmation removal event number. LOL.

SuzanneK said...

the magnes sisters? bags are cool but are they advertisers? or what?

CNB said...

Hi Craig,
As you know, I am personally acquainted with Ed Tracy. He is a funny, kind-hearted guy who puts his heart and soul into his work. Rogers Park should count itself lucky just to have Ed Tracy drive through it, let alone be involved with a local theater. As for the banner, yes, get rid of it.

Razldazlrr said...

Yep - I walked by the Morse last night and that creepy banner was still rolling - enough already - it seems the people that run it aren't very efficient with the technology. Their website has never had any update information and no one ever replies to an email

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