Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Strong Arm Robbery on Western/Stolen Ambulance

10:51 AM: A bank customer trying to deposit a large sum of money got robbed by a male/black, mid-twenties, 5 foot - 7 inches tall, this morning. No weapon was shown, or implied. The incident happened at 6375 North Western. Police are searching for the offender at this time.

2:38 PM: Someone just allegedly stole an Med-X ambulance from the nursing home at 7333 North Sheridan. The ambulance has it's lights and siren on. The police/ambulance follow (it's not being called a chase at this moment) has led to Lincolnwood and Skokie. Police are in pursuit, following close behind.

2:48 PM: This didn't end well. Evanston Police have the ambulance at the intersection of Dempster and Chicago. It's involved in a multiple vehicle accident, with the offender in custody.


Rogers Park Vigilance said...

What kind of nop head steals an ambulance? Evidently someone TOO stupid to be a criminal.

Dr Who said...

The cop followed the wrong ambulance into Skokie. My guess was the thief was one of the bottle gang from Touhy Park.

anomadic.1 said...

and as always, the crook county judges will release this kaka-roach back into our neighborhood

Big Daddy said...

The kind of nop head that would steal an ambulance may not be a nop head at all but a person looking for a vehicle to use as a delivery vehicle for a WMD. It's a well known fact that things like ambulances, UPS,FEDX trucks etc. are coveted motor vehicles for terrorists. They are common and able to get into places other vehicles cannot. If an ambulance loaded with explosives were to pull up and park at, say Wrigley Field, who would give it a second look? In the middle east it is common for the terrorists to use ambulances for transporting weapons and other terrorists. I'm not saying that that's what this was, I'm just sayin.

Big Daddy said...

anomadic.1-you mean like the judges in Oakland that released the rapist who murdered the four Police Officers and is now a hero to the scum that exist there?

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