Monday, March 23, 2009

Things Obama Should do this Week on Television

Seeing our President wants to be on every channel, from Jay Leno to 60 Minutes, I thought I'd put together my tv schedule for the commander and chief of television this week.

10) Guest appearance on Dancing with the Stars.

9) Guest host American Idol.

8) Fill in for Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs and clean up the mess on Howard Street.

7) Join the girls for a chat on the View.

6) Insert himself in the starting line-up for the Chicago Bulls.

5) Do a leg of the Amazing Race from Afghanistan to Alaska. There may be a road block?

4) Fill in for Donald Trump and fire Joan and Melissa Rivers on Celebrity Apprentice.

3) Stand behind the $1 suitcase on Deal or No Deal.

2) Fill in for Gordon Ramsey on Kitchen Nightmares and feature the Heartland Cafe.

1) Take over for Jack Bauer on '24' and save the world.

What tv shows do you think our Celebrity President should be on?


todd carr said...

Having read your blogg for the past 8 months- I'm surprized to see you are now commenting on national topics- when no mention of obamas vitory in nov made it to your page I assumed you were a 100 percent local news sleuth- now this? I'm confused?

Madmom said...

Really now? At least he's doing SOMETHING, as opposed to flying off to his ranch every weekend on MY dime, letting his VP REALLY run the country and, oh yeah, starting an illegal and unjust war so that we can get trillions of dollars in debt and thousands of people can die for no reason.

Or nothing at all thereby allowing an nprecedented financial crisis.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Did we really just spend our tax payer dollars this week for a President to pick the Final 4 on a Presidential Sealed Bracket Chart?

Or am I just imagining things?

Razldazlrr said...

Oh he's doing something all right! LOL
Craig - great list and laugh for the morning - I'm going to have some coffee before my brain can think of another one!

Phred said...

Craig easily forgets that the primary daily focus of our previous president was:

1) Getting in his workout and bike ride

2) Undressing (with his eyes) the more physically fit members of his male staff and male security detail

3) Deciding whether to have the kitchen staff prepare a peanut butter or grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.

Everything else was delegated, by default, to Cheney. And that's why our country and its economy is presently so fucked up.

braha said...

Really feeble attempt at humor. Don't quit your day job as neighborhood activist. Loved seeing you on the news with Carol Marin.

Craig Gernhardt said...

"You have to be very careful. Sometimes your humor can go the wrong way."
Mayor Daley
March 21, 2009

Kyle Hillman said...

While I think Leno is a interesting choice, I get the strategy. Cable News is too focused on equal time, which sounds like a plus but when your trying to push an agenda like health care (that makes politicians worried for their re-election chances...)you have to find a better way to drum up support then Fox News or MSNBC.

The President needs support from the masses, and the middle of the road politicians need to see support for cover.

Ryne said...

A news flash from our bitch opps I mean aldermen joey" I care about the ward" moore.

When you look at the list isn't there a establishment that was closed for being "unclean"! It pays to pay & play with little joey!

Rogers Park Dinner Crawl This Sunday!
Dear Neighbor,

Join me on Sunday, March 29th, from 4 to 8 p.m., as we travel around the 49th Ward and experience some of the great food our wonderfully diverse community has to offer.

THE ROGERS PARK DINNER CRAWL: A WORLD OF TASTE introduces you to the wide range of delicious food available in the 49th Ward. I am proud to sponsor this event with DevCorp North, Rogers Park's business, community and economic development organization, and The Urban Coaster newspaper.

The 49th Ward is home to people from all over the world, many of whom have set up shop right here in the neighborhood. This is your chance to travel the world in one evening by sampling the great variety of foods offered at some of our finest ethnic restaurants.

A World of Taste will introduce participants to 16 restaurants in Rogers Park. Each participant will be given a "passport" containing a brief description of the dishes they will be sampling and a map of the restaurants.

Feel free to take advantage of our free shuttle service, which will circulate around four stops, picking up passengers and taking them to their next location. Each stop on the shuttle is within a short walking distance of our featured restaurants.

Participating Restaurants include:

African Harambee
Carribbean American Bakery
Charmers Cafe
Common Cup
Grande Noodle
Heartland Cafe
Jamaica Jerk
Lake Side Cafe
Las Islas Marias
Los Portales
Sahara Kabob
Taste Food & Wine

Check in first at DevCorp North's offices to pick up your "passport" and map. Once you've signed in and received your materials, you may begin the Dinner Crawl. The shuttle service will drive the route continuously, allowing you to complete the Dinner Crawl at your own pace.

Check in location:
DevCorp North
1557 W Howard Street

Free street parking is available

Tickets are $25 in advance, or $30 at the door. Proceeds will go to support the work of DevCorp North. A LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS WILL BE SOLD, SO GET YOU TICKETS TODAY!

TO PURCHASE TICKETS IN ADVANCE, CLICK HERE. Or visit DevCorp North, 1557 W. Howard.

For more information, contact Katrina Balog at, or call DevCorp North at 773-508-5885.

Join us for what promises to be a very fun and filling event!


Joe Moore

ms21 said...

In response to the question being asked, not the random commentary...I think Obama should show up on the Office to straighten out Dwight Shrute and Michael Scott. If he can't do that, he certainly can save the planet.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Whosyerkitty, I can't agree with you more. At least Obama is doing something, unlike that scumbag Bush. I know I may get trashed for saying this (yes, I'm proud to admit that I'm an Obama fan, providing that he does something about this ecomony), but I have to tell my honest opinion. I also agree with "Phred".

poeticvandalism said...

Stock markets go up, people bitch.
Wall street is held accountable, people bitch.
Bush destroys our country, no one says a thing.

I take it you fell under the last category.

Craig Gernhardt said...

The only one who played by the rules was MS21. Well done.

PS: I wouldn't wish Michael Scott as a boss to anyone.

Rogers Park Vigilance said...

As far as destroying the country, Obama will make Bush look like a piker.

Save Street End Beaches said...

My $.02: leave the tin foil hat politics to the two Tom blogs. Joe needs all your attention.

floss said...

Obama can play Michael.
Moore can be Dwight, trying so hard to kiss his butt. Sadly our Michael didn't choose our Dwight for promotion. He remains in his tiny cubicle next to the laundry mat.

Razldazlrr said...

Avondale - I think you are a little young to be calling a two-term President a "scumbag'.

Emily said...

This list greatly amuses me.
It'd be pretty easy for him to appear on 30 Rock. Just put him, Tracy Morgan, and Alec Baldwin in a room.

Madmom said...

Please. This guy has done more in two months than Shrub did in the past two years. And has communicated more with you, dear taxpayer, even before he was sworn in. Now give the guy a break and some support. He's entitled to a little R & R (unlike the 60% of his predecessor), including picking a bracket, and he sure as hell can't pull a magic wand out of his butt and "fix" everything instantaneously.

Now get serious. This is asinine.

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