Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rogers Park Students Cleanup 12th Street Beach

Not in Rogers Park News:"Students from Jordan Community School in Rogers Park take part in the 12th Street Beach cleanup, organized by the Shedd Aquarium." See photo.


Unknown said...

Trash? It's always something I have questioned since I moved up here 1 1/2 years ago after living in Lincoln Park and Lakeview. There is an amazing amount of trash and junk on the ground here - why? I have actually stopped to ask some people why they just threw garbage on the ground, especially since they are steps away from a trash can. My guess is it comes back to "upbringing" - my parents would not have thrown trash on the ground. Is it the lower incomes up here? laziness? not owning property? My friend and I had our dogs at the park and people were having a picnic and throwing the bones on the ground, even through there was a trash can a few feet away? In honor of Earth Day - I ask why? (Trash may be the reason I leave this neighborhood - it drives me crazy)

Craig Gernhardt said...

Down every street, alley and gangway, the jewel of Rogers Park can be seen.

Cheetos bags.

Save Street End Beaches said...

I despise littering. I too approach litterers and say, "You dropped something." I usually just get blank stares in return. I got so annoyed at seeing the trash in the park, that I walk my dog with an extra plastic bag and pick up stuff. A lot of beverage caps and cigarette filters. And the discarded refuse of the intoxicated homeless campers. Yuck.

Lansky said...

Leslie, I've asked myself the same question. and i've asked the same question of people that i have literally seen walking by a trash can, only 2 steps later to toss something on the ground. i'm hardly a 'tree hugger', but as someone who lives next to Kilmer and Sullivan, i can tell you, these little SOB's just don't care.

i suppose if the choice was between having them throw their cheetos bags on the ground, or breaking into our building (which they've done numerous times), i'd take the trash. but that's hardly a choice.

SouthOfPratt said...

As green as Joe wants to be, I would love if he instituted a fight litter campaign in Rogers Park. We could also use more trash cans in our business areas.

I talked to the alderman's office about more trash cans on Clark street two years ago. I was told they are expensive to obtain and even if we could get them emptying them is a problem.

So we can't have more garbage cans because people might actually use them.

ms21 said...

I agree with Leslie. There is always trash on the ground. And why is DevCorp always picking up trash on Howard - the seediest stretch in RP - instead of on Sheridan and near the lakefront?

And why can't RP students pick up trash in the RP INSTEAD of at the 12th Street Beach? Probably because they would be picking up there own trash, at least some of them...

Craig Gernhardt said...

===And why is DevCorp always picking up trash on Howard - the seediest stretch in RP - instead of on Sheridan and near the lakefront?===

Please, we don't need another SSA.

Bosworth said...

No use asking the alderman's office for trash cans. They will tell you no. They won't put trash cans out because people use them and fill them up!

And the few trash cans that were on Howard Street have mostly been removed.

But according to the fliers the alderman has put all over the neighborhood, he wants you to get out and clean up the area this weekend.

How about working with the schools in Rogers Park on anti-lettering campaigns Joe? Start when they are young...maybe they can convince their parents to stop littering too.

What happened to give a hoot, don't pollute?

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

My class and I did something like this today, except ours was done at Loyola Park (on Pratt east of Sheridan).

Razldazlrr said...

Wow - do I agree with the above. I wish Joe and his staff cared more about trash/litter/gangs than they did all his innovative little media grabbing adventures. I guess it's boring to talk to people about the basics of picking up after yourself! I love give a hoot - don't pollute!!! We need it back!! I was standing at the bus a few days ago on Sheridan and a man threw his sandwich wrapper down on the ground, there was a trash can 2 steps from him. I was completely serious and asked him why he did that?? He just gave me a blank stare. Did these people grow up with parents that didn't teach them any rules?? I'm working like crazy and pay lots of taxes - Joe is truly nuts if he thinks I'm going to spend my day off picking up the trash!! How much do you want to bet that most of the people are just there for the free food and don't pick up anything? LOL

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