Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sullivan High School Honored for Outstanding Journalism

The Sullivan high school newspaper, the Sentinel, was honored as Best New Publication at the McCormick Foundation 2009 Media Awards on March 19.

Student reporter Brigitte Reyes also received an award for Excellence in the General Feature Story category.

“I’m really proud of the staff I’ve been able to put together this year,” said David Boby, faculty adviser for the school newspaper. “I’ve only just gotten started with teaching journalism, and it’s my hope that we can build on this success to create a solid program that teaches students all of the elements of journalism: reporting, writing, the business side of ad sales, and graphic design.”

The McCormick Awards, given in conjunction with the Scholastic Press Association of Chicago, recognize excellence in high school journalism. The judges included professional journalists and editors working in Chicago, plus faculty and graduate students from Roosevelt University's Department of Communication. Entries in the New Publication category were judged on content and visual appeal.

"This paper deserves recognition for doing actual police reporting!” the judges noted in their award summary. “Students covering CAPS beat meetings provides wonderful, real-world experience and doing so can take school newspapers in a new direction. More than a few judges did double-takes upon learning that this school was the only one doing this type of necessary reporting. This newspaper's staff should be commended for an excellent effort that can only get better!"

Blognotes: Well done, Ms. Reyes. Well, done to all involved. I salute you.


AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Great job to Brigitte! Even though I don't know who she is, it sounds like she's doing a great job.

Great job to Mr. Boby as well! I'm thinking about taking up his offer to take his class. He's approached me at least a couple of times saying I should do journalism at Sullivan.

Phred said...

Timmy: Youre doing a great job being Craig's boy-pal during those times when he can't play daddy to his nephew, Patrick.

Man On The Street said...

Wow, congrats kids. As a former newspaper guy, this is great news.

Now someone please do a story on the large insect apparently lodged up phred's anal cavity.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Phred: Craig and I are friends (if you consider me one, Craig). I'm not here to be really friends with anybody, though. I'm just here to give my observations on Sullivan.
That's to inform folks what's going on at Sullivan.

By the way, I look up to Craig as a father figure.

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