Friday, July 3, 2009

Jim Ginderske; An American Hero

Let's look at the other side of the coin for a second. After all, it's the great American holiday, the 3rd of July. The day Chicago celebrates it's Independence with the 23 minute fireworks show along the lakefront.

Speaking of lakefront. Here's the All-American Boy, Jim Ginderske's truck. Parked for free, courtesy of the tax payers of the 49th ward. Here he is, sticking it to the man. The all American way, by not having a city sticker for his rust bucket, pollution spreading truck.

Why bother having Illinois plates either. Like I said - sticking it to the man. Jim don't need no stinking sticker or Illinois plates. He's a rebel. American's just love rebels.

So, here's to Jim Ginderske. Puppet for Joe Moore. We say, way to go. Keep cheating the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois of of valuable revenue needed to fill those pot-holes. You're the man!


Philip McGregor Rogers said...

I was wondering what the heck was going on with jims truck.

I signed on the the broken heart of jims truck and hey there is the update.

Now that i know how jims truck is doing I can start my day at peace with my inner turmoil of other unresolved issues that will linger on for eternity

Razldazlrr said...

I love seeing where this goof parks his truck!! I can't figure out why Moore doesn't INSIST that he get Illinois plates and a city sticker. Where does this Ginderske live anyhow? Is he one of the senior citizens on a fixed income that needs free parking by the lake? It's funny - I walk by that lot on a daily basis with my dogs. I really don't see any seniors getting in and out of their cars.

Unknown said...

what job does this person have with Moore anyhow?

mcl said...

Mr. Ginderske is not only openly flaunting the 'law' by illegally avoiding 'paying' his fair share, but also proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he's a complete fraud!

Razldazlrr said...

I just saw this come across my email from Moore's office:
Last Chance to Get Your City Vehicle Sticker at Alderman Moore's Office
- I wonder if they sent this same mail to this guy with the truck!

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