Saturday, July 4, 2009

Throwing Joe a Bone

How many of you ever would've guessed I would throw Joe Moore a bone and include him in one of my issues of Gay Chicago Magazine? I mean really showcase him in a positive way? You'll have to pick up next weeks issue to see for yourself. It hits the streets on Tuesday.

Happy 4th of July, everyone.


AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Happy 4th to you, Craig, and to everyone else here :-).

been there said...

this is a joke, right?
where can i get a copy?

Craig Gernhardt said...

No, Mo, I'm not kidding. This is no joke. Page 40.

You can pick up a copy at the Morse EL, Leona's on Sheridan, Starbucks on Sheridan or the Loyola EL. Of course they're at Touche and Jackhammer too.

Happy 4th, Timmy.

barberella said...

Hey, Craig....I didn't know where to post this, I wanted to mention that we just saw Joe (Blow Moore/Joe Less..whatever it is) Moore at Evanston's 4th of July parade. He was following Gov. Quinn around, trying to get a photo op. My 11 year old daughter (while marching by) yelled out: "Hey, Mr. Moore...I'm from Evanston, where we have a alderman who actually does her job" I just had to share that :D

Bill Morton said...

smart kid.

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