Monday, July 6, 2009

Loyola University Doesn't Like 60626?

Loyola staffers have been told that all new letterhead and envelopes must be ordered with the new Loyola address that will be used for the entire university.

Why this need to change the address and zip code?

Could the reason for this be that they prefer to align themselves with Edgewater as opposed to "crime ridden" Rogers Park? It might help pad the future freshmen enrollment numbers, right? Ever google 60626 crime as opposed to 60640? Some parents do that, you know. Maybe they don't want to be associated with Joe Moore's Zip Code?


newgarder said...

Geez,if these posted hypothetical
questions are accurate then this strategy just might fail in its calculations for the containment of the university's current student level.

Along this line-of-desperation-thinking perhaps Loyola should institute a mandatory draft converting paying pupils into conscripts.

Similar to the kind that was devised by R. McNamara & Associates to shepherd their burning baby in a basket:Vietnam.

What a welcoming committee of millions Strange will have when he sneaks past St. Pete's pearly gates.

Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce said...

To begin, the zip is 60660. Perhaps they have moved there "production offices" across the street.

Loyola has spread into Edgewater, considerably, over the past several years. But their Campus is mainly in Rogers Park. They have been proud of this fact for many, many years--except for the last eighteen, or so, if you know what I mean.

And many of their students live in Rogers Park, which can and will become a safer place, soon.

Let it rest on that thought, and please remain positive. There is a solution, and we are 'helping it along'.

Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce

Clark St. said...

I wonder why Loyola just didn't ask the post office for its own ZIP?
They certainly get enough mail to qualify.

Save Street End Beaches said...

Unless the Post Office assigned them to 60660, this is BS.

Razldazlrr said...

Hmmm - that's very interesting - some Loyola person on here must know the answer.
Wouldn't it be great if we had an Alderman that truly cared about this community and not just bloviating when he thinks the press is watching!!
I really do hope that a lot of Alderman and Cook County folks get replaced in the next election. If people have had any thoughts about running - this may be their time!

M BIG said...

This is news? BS? Puleeze. Why does it even matter?

Anonymous said...


It could also be for actual postal purposes. Northwestern has its own zip code (60208) in an Evanston that's otherwise 60201 or 60202. Got it about ten years ago.

Unknown said...

I always love when someone takes the time to read an article and the comments and then says "this is news?"
well - it must have been - you took the time to comment on it!!! LOL

Jedierica said...

I lived on Kenmore and Rosemont for 10 years before Loyola purchased my building. Now I live at Pratt and Sheridan. Edgewater is not much better then Rogers Park. Both parts of Loyola Campus are the same the Edgewater portion and the Rogers Park portion. The same people go back and forth including the same beggers and homeless people outside.

The North Coast said...

Jedierica, you must be my neighbor.

That building at Rosemont and Kenmore was one of the most beautiful courtyard buildings in the area. Broke my heart to see it converted to a dorm and uglified with multiple bike racks in the courtyard and the ugly alarm light.

Ellen said...

A little late to the game, but...the reason for the change was for ease of direction-giving. The old address (6525 N. Sheridan) directed people to the Granada building via Google Maps or GPS, etc. This didn't help visitors. The new address puts them at the real driving entry to campus and helps eliminate that confusion - it wasn't a knock on Rogers Park. You can read President Garanzini's letter about the change here:

Cameron said...

Well Loyola is divided, but the new purchases of student housing are all in Edgewater, so it would make sense to have those students mailing addresses the same as their residency.

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