Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Will Ginderske Buy a City Sticker for 2009?

Razldazlrr said...> I just saw this come across my email from Moore's office: Last Chance to Get Your City Vehicle Sticker at Alderman Moore's Office - I wonder if they sent this same mail to this guy with the truck!


Clark St. said...

Why should he?
The cops refuse to ticket him for a reciprocity violation.
He'll just keep his much cheaper Wisconsin plates.

But, if he ever does run for alderman, this could be used as a challenge to his Chicago residency.

Unknown said...

About as likely as him posting a disclaimer on every pro-Joe Moor article in his rag, clarifying that he is a campaign worker for Joe and a member of his zoning boys club.

Big Daddy said...

I don't think it's an issue of the cops REFUSING to write him a ticket as much as it is they probably don't know that he lives here. They see a truck parked with out of state plates and figure the guy is just visiting from Wisconsin. They run the plate and it obviously comes back to a Wisconsin address. What they don't realize is that if the car is garaged and used primarily here in Chicago, it has to have Illinois plates and a city sticker. When I used to write tickets, I wrote one in a similar situation and won in court. Hell, if all it took was registering your car to an out of state address, I'd do the same, just to deny the dictator on the 5th floor any more money. But it's not legal. I would suggest going on line and filing a community concern. Make the police aware of the situation. I'll bet somebody writes him.

Clark St. said...

Then just pass the info on the the beat cops Big Daddy & get them to write up Jimmy the ticket.
Or get the SOS cops to do it.

Big Daddy said...

Sock Puppeteer- You obviously have a computer so go on line and have at it as I suggested. If it is as big a deal as it appears to be to some here, I would think you would jump at the chance. What is the SOS police?

Clark St. said...

SOS = Secretary of State
And you don't know that?
I learned that from listening to Zone 11 on my scanner.
If you think anyone is going to listen to me, you're on the wrong planet.
Jimmy is being protected by his boss, so I have to assume that the cops here are afraid of even the tiny amount of heat that Moore has could come down on them.
The question here is, are you the only cop that reads this blog?

Big Daddy said...

In 29 years on this job I have never once dealt with the "SOS police. Didn't ever need them, didn't even know they existed. Jimmy is not being protected by his bosses. Do you honestly think there is any copper that actually gives a rat's ass about who this guy is or who he works for? We don't. What are they going to do if he get's a ticket from one of us? Transfer us, demote us, yell at us, what? Can't be done. And if this guy did get a ticket, I seriously doubt that Moore or anybody else is going to call and beef. Beef about what? One of his aids getting a ticket because he failed to comply with the law? Your giving these Aldercreatures too much credit. WE/I could care less what they think, want or how much power they have. They can't hurt us. They are not mythical Gods. I've gone up against them before and won every time. Now, before you think think I'm blowing smoke up your butt, keep in find that an Aldercreature IS the elected represenative of the people and we do keep that in mind and give him the respect that office deserves no matter how little that respect is. But think about it for a minute. The average copper encounters more bad guys in a week than the average person, particularly an Aldercreature, encounters in a lifetime. We chase the worst society has to offer. We put them behind bars, sometimes for a very long time. After doing all that, do you honestly believe that I'm going to worry about some goof that happened to win an election can or will do to me because I wrote one of his buddies a ticket? What planet are you on? An Aldercreature doesn't even rank as a bump on the street. If they have a legitimate complaint brought to them by one of their citizens, of course we will work on that problem. That's why we are there, that's what we do. But to suggest that they can or will threaten us to not write a friend or assistant is sheer fantasy. I'd bet a months salary that this is simply a case of coppers not knowing what this guy is doing. Hence the suggestion that you get on your computer and create a community concern. It will be forwarded through the chain of command and can be tracked. If your not comfortable with that, go to a beat meeting and voice your concern. That in itself will probably get this guy to comply with the law. Once his little minions realize that the people are aware of his failure to obey the law and inform him, he will more than likely comply. And if your still not comfortable with that approach, arrange to meet the beat Officer. Inform him. Still not happy, see no action? Call for a Sgt.
I know what's happening here. This guy either has family or a summer home in Wisconsin. It's probably cheaper to license a car there. So he registers it there even though he lives here. He probably even has a Wisconsin drivers license. So when the coppers stop him, he pulls out his D/L and says he lives in Wisconsin. How are they to know he doesn't? But they will if you bring it to their attention now won't they?

It will take an asute beat Officer willing to make the effort to make this work. First he has to know about it. Then he has to observe the truck sitting there overnight for a reasonable amount of time to have the ability to go to court and testify that he observed the truck parked overnight for say a week or ten days or so, anything that would convince a judge (who we hope is reasonable and intelligent) that this car is being garaged and used principally in Chicago and should have Illinois plates and a Chicago Wheel Tax sticker. But be advised. Some coppers won't write this because they don't know and some judges won't convict because THEY don't know. But IMHO, if this guy is as big a jerk as you claim, I would think the effort would be worth it.

academic one said...

If for some reason he did get a ticket for city sticker violation, challenging any ticket via snail mail is a slam dunk for Ginderske. Per Big Daddies observation, he probably has a Wisconsin summer home address so all he has to do is send documentation and poof …….. no ticket, no fine.
Ginderske isn’t the only violator, just drive around the neighborhood and you can find dozens of out of state cars belonging to university students who live here but avail themselves to lower fees, & insurance in their home state.

Razldazlrr said...

Big Daddy - I always appreciate your insight and some truth about what goes on with the police - thanks!
- You said going online and filing a community concern, can you give me a little more detail on where you do that? I have a jerk in my building with Wisconsin plates that has parked beside me for 2 years.

Big Daddy said...

Raz, sorry, I just ran across this post. Go to the Chicago Police Departments Clearpath and click on Community Concerns. The rest is easy.

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