The sad part to the whole story besides a nut case trying to apprehend young girls is the fact our lame-ass Alderman hasn't sent out one alert yet. The poor citizens of Rogers Park have to find out from the media and blogs.
CHICAGO (CBS) ― Police have issued a community alert following the attempted abduction of a 10-year-old girl last week in the Rogers Park neighborhood. The incident happened on Wednesday, Sept. 9, about 4:30 p.m. in an alley in the 7400 block of North Greenview Avenue, according to the alert from Belmont Area detectives. Source/Read more.Up until yesterday this week old case wasn't mentioned anywhere. So, where's this manhunt CBS is talking about? Where are the flyers of this asshole? That's what they do when they manhunt people in our neighborhoods. Where's CAPS? Who's heading this manhunt? Where's our new commander? Where's our Alderman?
We're also hearing in the comments section there was a shooting at Lunt and Sheridan around 5 PM, yesterday. If so, that makes two shooting near this corner in the last couple of months. No memo from Joe on that crime alert either.
Joe is WAY too busy trying to figure out how he can get a front row seat at the Olympics and kissing the Mayor's butt to worry about a little bit of crime in his area. "crime is down"
Multiple reports on the news this morning about a man trying to lure young girls into his van around a school in Evanston. Not one word on any morning news program about this man in Chicago, just a mile or so away.
I was thinking the same thing... I put this story up on my blog news aggregator site: walkinapark.net
yesterday and was seriously thinking about making copies of the alert to put up myself.
And that's when I thought.. isn't this something your Alderman should be heading?
It seriously is driving me nuts that there is a leadership vacuum in the 49th.
and this all is in joe's job description where? your alderman should do whatever you dream up for him to do today? your alderman should be out firing up the would-be sheriffs? leading the posse?
puleeeeeze. grow up.
I saw Joe chasing this guy down Glenwood
This blog is terrible. That's the only reason why Joe Moore would send his worst pet, Been There, to comment for him.
Apparently in Been There's eyes, it's ok for Kiddie Fiddlers to run loose in our neighborhood.
Does anyone have any advice regarding the care for a pet been there? She looks to be a husky beast so I know kibble and chew toy costs are through the roof. I don't even want to think about cleaning up after her...
This is off topic, but I wanted to report that I witnessed an INTENTIONAL hit-and-run today at about 6:15 near the intersection of Clark and Greenleaf. As I was stopped at the light, I noticed a group of Hispanic young men waving the Mexican flag around. One of these young men ventured about a foot into the street. When the light turned green, a black Nissan came racing through the intersection and then abruptly swerved towards the pedestrian, forcing him to flip onto the windshield, into the air, and land face-down on he pavement. The pedestrian was rendered unconscious as far as I could tell, and the car darted off after hitting him. It was a pretty shocking scene.
Seconds after their friend was hit, the rest of the original group started fighting with another group of young men I hadn't previously noticed. All of a sudden, the corner was up for grabs.
Fortunately, police arrived within two minutes or so along with an ambulance. I have since heard that the hit-and-run victim will be discharged from the hospital with minor injuries.
wow pratt - that's really scary!! Hey, been there - I think this would be in the obvious part of the job description, (right next to represent the people's wants and needs, not your own)
7400 Greenview? Isn't that right in front of Alderman Moore's office and a block from his Fargo home?
and this all is in joe's job description where?
well, aldermen do take an oath to serve their constitutents' concerns and I guess alerting them to a potential child molester would be a constitutent concern. unless that constitutent IS a child molestor.
Ok this reminds me of a guy trolling the hood from around ~1997. He tried to abduct my neighbors boys. We confronted him and he took off. Right about the start of the school year I think. Latter that night we heard of a kid being abducted in the West ridge community same type of car. Seems like that guy drove a Nova or sedan of some kind. Do not recall any outcome. May not be the same guy....
Big Daddy is there any way to profile any sex offenders released that previously trolled our streets.
This was about the same time the two guys raped and killed the woman in the apartment on Morse and wolcott. Those guys were serial and caught.
My very, very dearest fellow Rogers Parkers.
Mr. Joe Moore cannot be held responsible for every action of every citizen of this neighborhood, much less those of every person who may wander through. Your expectations seem most unrealistic and you seem to use any excuse to find fault with this fine leader. What would any of you do about the so-called "crime" here? This man in question may only have been asking for directions and may not have spoken perfect English. His intentions may have been wildly misinterpreted by the "young girls" who were supposedly approached. There is no story here. Nothing happened. Based on a very sketchy story, you are all running in circles as if every child is in immediate danger. I'm sure by now every child has been taught not to let strangers on foot or in vehicles get close to them. If you feel so strongly, then create some posters and post them yourselves. Why do you think it is someone else's responsibility? Please. No more bashing our wonderful alderman. Respectfully.
The way I interpret the alley behind 7400 N Greenview is EAst of Greenview! So that is Joe's alley isn't it. Maybe he would be more concerned oh well forget it
We all know Joe just doesn't care about this neighborhood or the people that live in this neighborhood. He is hoping that Jan will take the 'run' for Senate and then he can slide in to the run for Congress. That is all he cares about. His next step up. The reality is it isn't coming so unless the residents of Rogers Park are ready to get behind one candidate to run against him in the next election we will live with him until either he kicks the bucket or we do. The comedy of errors is that residents really do want representation but no one wants to just get behind one person. When 3 candidates run for Alderman the slot is automatically Joe's It becomes no contest. People around the city think Daley has a lock. At least Daley tries to work for the people of Chicago, and most of the time he does pretty well. Joe doesn't try and most of the time he doesn't even pretend to care.
mirp, you haven't been paying attention. jan announced a couple of months ago that she is staying where she is. people are passing petitions already.
and who could blame joe for wanting a better job that the whipping boy of a lot of keyboard commandoes. i would have moved on a long time ago. shit, being a greeter at walmart would be better than answering to the bunch of you.
I feel a little funny defending one of most useless people in the city (the state, the Middle West, North America...) but really it is not the alderman's job to "alert the citizens".
How should he do this? With an e-mail bulletin? That would reach at most a minority of RP residents, and IMO only small proportion of families with children, many of which are poor, or non-anglophone. Flyers? Clumsy and costly. Phone banking? Fuggeddabbouddit.
The alderman's job is to represent the citizens in the city council, and to the city bureaucracy. It's not really to represent the government to the people, or communicate for them.
I wouldn't want the aldermen in charge of such communication, anyway.
In considering MadeInRogersPark's comment I wonder if Daley is working to benefit the citizens of Chicago directly of just enhancing Chicago's cosmetic image with this Olympic bid.
If Daley doesn't get that
paid-with-by-tax-money presenation for the Olympic committee nod then he may have to undertake a protest at Tokyo(after he's traveled to Madrid to be assured that Rio isn't the actual 2016 site).
A Daley march on the Tokyo Olympic
stadium would be about as
eventful as the one with comedian Henry Gibson in that Blue Brothers movie.
Unfortunately Mary Travers is no longer around to enhance the soundtrack for this demonstration.
If the Heartland Cafe hosted a memorial for her would the alderman attend?
I want to amend my previous comment and clarify that the Chicago 2016 bid delegation is not tax-payer funded.This stage of the process has been reported to be privately funded and all volunteer.
Also,Mayor Daley will not have to travel to Madrid in a fact finding mission to determine that Rio isn't the IOC's official Summer Olympic host site but to,by doing so,discover that Rio actually is the chosen city.
My apologies to Mary Travers for this oversight.
@Rich Rostrum:
The reason so many commenters are attacking Moore for not sending out an email blast on this guy is because Moore sends out email blasts on almost anything, especially if it's a minuscule & totally worthless, useless subject.
The most important item in any of Little Joey's emails & bulletins is that his name must be prominently & repeatedly mentioned!
So when something important & dangerous occurs, such as an attempted kidnapping, Little Joey is nowhere to be found.
Probably hiding out in his real home in the suburbs!
sock puppet - i was thinking the same thing - joe sends out email blasts for ridiculous reasons that mostly hope to toot his own horn. It certainly couldn't hurt to send out an email blast on something this important.
I would much rather know about crime areas we should watch for or people that are dangerous than donuts at the L.
How should he do this? With an e-mail bulletin?
Mary Ann Smith of Edgewater does this all the time and it works pretty well. You underestimate the number of people who have access to a computer. Between that and the word of mouth that comes from it, news gets around. And a few strategically placed flyers (bus stop shelters, the el train station) will reach so many more people. YOu're letting an alderman off the hook from showing concern for his community. An email blast and a few flyers will reach a vast number of people and is so cost-effecient as to make it irresponsible NOT to do it.
Alderman Ann Rainey from Evanston alerts her constituants via a blog
I first found out about this attempted abduction on her Blog.
I expect someone who is looking to serve thier constituants to go above and beyond. Use technology to you advantage.
@Been There
Why are so you mad at Walmart? I like the Greeters, I think they provide a useful service.
A far more repectable profession in my opinion, that being a self proclaimed "artist".
Been There, please Be Gone?
sorry mark, i intend to be a permanent affliction.
Looks like been there is the herpes of posters, then.
bwalker, it's already been done. Routine.
Flip Flop Jan said she wasn't running because of the taint surround the Senate nomination. Now that Burris has said he will not run in 2010 Jan may be back in the running. Jan is the Congressperson who speaks against the war in Iraq and then supports the Militarization of Chicago Public Schools with the opening of Rickover Naval Academy. She is a joke. People don't listen to that. Also updates are that Joe has pulled out of his dream of Congress - oh well that does not mean people should not get behind one candidate and run against him.
and to BEEN THERE - you may have been there but you will soon be gone. Sometimes people stay in a neighborhood because they really care about it I do ot know you but I know from your writing you will soon be gone
FYI Other attempts:
Saturday in an alley next to Warren Park. (man in blue cargo van)
Monday at 7400 Winchester and Thursday at 2300 Devon.
no, you don't know me. so you don't know that i have been here for 22 years already, and have every intension of staying in my home until i die. i am in the design phase right now of a major rehab on my house.
and jan is not running for the senate. her campaign for re-election is in full swing.
and i don't see the conflict between supporting a standing army and objecting to the stupid use of same.
re: the supposed shooting at the corner of Lunt and Sheridan - I live at that corner (Ennui building) and heard nothing about a shooting on this corner. asked a couple of neighbors and they don't think this is true. where is your commenter getting the story?
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