Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Alderman Moore offers good news for the New Year

From Joe's email blast:
I'm starting off the New Year with news of some excellent police work. Chicago police yesterday arrested and charged an 18-year-old Kankakee County man with the sexual assault of a woman near the Lunt entrance to the Morse Red Line.
The attack occurred early Wednesday morning, December 19th. I issued an alert after the crime that included CTA surveillance camera photos of an "individual of interest."
The Chicago Tribune reported the arrest this morning.  Chicago Tribune story.

24th District Commander James Roussell confirmed the Tribune account and attributed the arrest to "excellent detective work."
According to the Tribune, the suspect, James Shorty of Momence, was identified using DNA evidence checked against the Combined DNA Indexing System, a program run by the FBI to help local law enforcement agencies across the country.
The suspect is also wanted on a parole warrant, according to police. He's due in court today, charged with felony aggravated criminal sexual assault and felony aggravated kidnapping, according to police.
I will continue to keep you informed of developments in this case as they occur.

1 comment:

Chip Bagg said...

Yes, Joe. This arrest would never have been possible if you had not "issued an alert after the crime that included CTA surveillance camera photos of an individual of interest."
How much "excellent detective work" is necessary after a DNA match?
And thanks, Joe. I will depend on you to keep me "informed of developments in this case as they occur."
My God I hate politicians. And the politicized police. Don't wear yourselves out patting your own backs.

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