We’re sorry to report that EveryBlock has closed its doors.
It’s no secret that the news industry is in the midst of a massive change. Within the world of neighborhood news there’s an exciting pace of innovation yet increasing challenges to building a profitable business. Though EveryBlock has been able to build an engaged community over the years, we’re faced with the decision to wrap things up.
Thank you for having let us play a role in how you get your neighborhood news. Thanks for the contributions, for the questions, and for allowing us to connect you to each other, in many cases to make great things happen in your community. Along the way, we hope we’ve helped you be a better neighbor.
UPDATE: Chicago Tribune story.
UPDATE: Chicago Tribune story.
BLOGNOTES: Good riddance.
I'll say the same thing to you that I told poor Jeffy: what the hell are you all gonna do now that your precious Everyblock is gone? Who will you have to bitch about? How on earth will you and your retarded commenters come up with original things to say? You guys are gonna go through some serious withdrawal when you won't have the word "Everyblock" to type into every story and comment. Ten bucks says that without that site to rant about and steal stories from, you and poor Jeffy will shut down just as quickly as Everyblock did. Wah wah wah. Or you'll all probably just start saying things like, "Remember when they said that stuff on Everyblock..." or "Remember when we used to make fun of those Everyblockheads...", because god knows you people have absolutely nothing better to say or do with your lives. Now we get to see what you and your followers are REALLY made of...
Poor Helen and John will have to go out in the real world now to talk to people.
Poor Barbara S of Ravenswood she is gonna have a lot of free time now that she does not have research on every neighbors post to do. She is a person I wish never figured out how to copy and paste URLs into a comment box.
Jeffrey Littleton most likely will have to find some fire hydrant to paint some bullshit art on, expressing his grief over the loss of potential in the subsidized housing market now that the Maryville developer wants Market rate for his development, and the new owner of the Chateau jus at evicted the entire slew of miscreants housed within those walls.
How on earth are people going to figure out if the neighborhood they just rented in is safe?
Poor Phoebe. Is she on a suicide watch?
Rogers Parkers are in a state of shock. Now they'll never find those lost kitties or a good cup of latte. For some they'll never know how to wipe their asses after they take a shit.
@ S.
Nah it will be okay without Everyblock. This writer is used to looking up stuff the old fashioned way, Everyblock was the lazy man's way to look up information.
I'm gonna start Every Other Block. Any investors out there?
There is some more work to be done however. Many of the usual suspects from the weight agree adding their personal email addresses to this discussion.
So you can save contact info for some of your favorite characters.
In the future if you see some dog poop on the sidewalk blast out an email to let them know you saw it.
maybe you might want to ask if they have an opinion about which brand of battery works best in their vibrators.
Jus at some ideas there is a ton of fun yet to be had.
My o my whadda me gonna do know....*sniff*.
I would never paint a fire hydrant.
This blog is gonna be even more of a pathetic sack of shit now that youse don't got nothin more to talk about. Too bad you never learned how to masturbate the old fashioned way. Now more intriguing articles about piles of sand and bricks. Can't fucking wait.
Welcome to irrelevance now that Hellhole's only source of real news is gone. Nothing left here but some sicko guys, that Bubble-Bath Blond Bimbo who likes spankings and the whiney massage therapist from the local asylum. Maybe she can give you boys some sort of a "happy ending" now that you lost EB. This bitch is out of here.
I say we all go to the Morseland to have a beer and commiserate.
Oh, sorry, my bad. They're closed, too.
The more things change the more they stay the same, but the same Broken Heart site is up and running.
I disagree, I think the Broken Heart will always have something to talk about.
There is always something interesting going on in Rogers Park.
@Jeff Littleton.
I'm the one that likes to paint hydrants. ;)
P.S. your blognote is hilarious.
Craig you have a great understated humour to with your posts that many people take too seriously.
There's not such thing as "a" beer in Gernturd land.
No way Mr. Rogers! Only Jeffo would paint a fire hydrant.....:P.
By the way the comment-maker "PB" above is just a one-dimensional lurker, may or may not live in Uptown but who cares anyway, he/she found an outlet.I guess your nobody till you have a few lurkers/trolls.
Anyhow someone bitches about me on a blog in RP and I get an email and here I am.
G'bye EB, the people still have places to go for up-to-the-minute reasons they should fear and mistrust their neighborhood.
I was in west RP to do an interview recently... haven't been to RP since.
NBC and Bravo also made Television Without Pity utter shit, I'm not surprised at this.
I've decided that other people handle making mischief much better than I do, so I leave those matters in their capable hands instead of doing it in my neck of the woods. I've got other stuff to do, anyhow.
Good Bye Blockheads...so long, fare thee well.....
You took decent pics DUI.
Some people just had issues with your posts and language, obviously.
Un-PC raw commentary is not for the faint of heart.
For a larger audience, Busted Ass of Chicago needed a less offensive name and less vulgar language. Your topics were okay, but people find HOW you says things to be too taboo and over the top.
DUI I wanna check out your blog but don't have permission. Can you grant me access?
It'll stay locked unless I change my mind. Could be a long time from now.
I actually never sought out commentary on it, (my blog) but the way people treated me at Everyblock when I was 90 percent less offensive was bad enough.
I've been on the internet a long time and from time to time a place will get filled up with people like Everyblockers and the type of atmosphere there will evolve, and it always ends abruptly with people crying foul even though they should have developed some kind of life outside their imaginary friends on the internet.
I think the next thing to go is Yelp Talk, they will just have reviews where people find fault with ridiculously benign things, instead of the 8-10 person circle jerk that's going on right now.
Well, if you'll excuse me, fresh air beckons.
Good fucking riddance ya fuckin weird sicko.
I'd tell you to go get help at Thresholds, but I already seen you in front of there rolling your own cigarettes and drinking warm beer, so it's pretty fucking clear they're not helping you.
I'll see you at "A Just Harvest" trying to hit Gidget's stink again, right? Remember that syphilis leads to further brain damage.
Charlie I have 2-3 dolars I will invest! Oh look a cross dressing chicken!
"Dangerously unstable individual" posted a racist link on Uptown Update which got taken down. Fortunately, we have long memories at the Uptown Barber Shop and are open for business!
True Colors
I am very glad to see this sight go in light of its unabashed censorship favoring the radical left wing. Good riddance Becca and the rest of the NBC Gestapo. Now, about finding an honest candidate for the next 49th Ward Aldermanic election rather than our lying scumbag alderman fois gras.....
This is a strange group. A local kids' soccer coach, a whacked out thorazine junkie, a "respectable" university secretary, a washed up ex-editor and wannabe journalist, an internist, a starving artist, some sock puppets and a crazy ass massage therapist. Wow, let's party. Come on down to the precinct for free food and lodging.
Bunch a god damned whackos officer. Roundem up!!
Don't it make ya feel just a little asshole-ish getting all sweaty and worked up over people being nice?
You pussies still have places to rant about the people you don't like.
Come on down to the precinct for free food and lodging.
When's the next CAPS meeting?
Jump in the mosh pit Bro. BTW Pussy Littleton that bleach dye job on you is lookin real sweet. Is is some sort of artist thing?
Yes I bleach my hair...its an artist dumbass.
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