Wednesday, August 17, 2005

* RE: The Alderman's Note's

If you are on this certain e-mail tree (list), you have gotten a ton of these above titled emails lately. A ton. I'm almost ready to call these e-mails spam. That's right junk e-mail. Funny thing, the spammers are community leaders. Shocking enough, three have been sent from These emails were in regards to the meeting and lack of response from Alderman Moore, Mr. Block, Mr. Medinia with follow up results. Now they have turned into who does what.

1.) One claims to be a journalist.

2.) One wants off the list. (actually two)

3.) One emailer sends out mind numbing stats of campaign contributions.

4.) One emailer claims not to look for the cheap media hype stunts.

Match the emailer and number:

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