Monday, January 17, 2005

2004-Lie's of the Year in Print! Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4

DevCorp North Propaganda Journal Fall 2004
I haven't gotten through the first three columns and this has got more fibs than the whole issue of "The Onion". The difference is, these lies are not funny. I will be posting quotes and information with real questions, let's see the lies unfold.

1.) "Index crime in police Beat 2431 (the beat that includes Morse Avenue) dropped almost 20% in the first half of 2004".
Front Page, Fall edition of DevCorp North Journal: 2004

Where did you come by these "Crime's Down" Percentage numbers?

2.)" Property owners in the area agreed to pay a small, additional property tax surcharge, which is used to fund local improvements such as daily street and sidewalk cleaning, public safety initiatives, beautification/landscaping, business promotion and retention. Supported by Alderman Joe Moore and administered by DevCorp North."
Front Page, Fall edition of DevCorp North Journal: 2004

DevCorp North, come clean, stop lying to the public, on the public taxpayers dime. How many (exact) owners and renters agreed to the Special Service Area #24 property tax increase? Over 200 property owners and 600 renters should have been included.

3.) "At the old Halo/Starbelly building on the 1200 block of Morse, new construction is under way to add three floors and 40+ condominium units to the existing commercial building."
Front Page, Fall edition of DevCorp North Journal: 2004

Did you mention that these 43 plus condo buyers are going to be 43 new SSA #24 taxpayers that didn't get to vote on this property tax increase?

4.) "The Morse Avenue Streetscape should become a reality next year.
Front Page, Fall edition of DevCorp North Journal: 2004

Come clean Alderman Moore, Who is funding this project? Is it secured funding?


Hugh said...
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Hugh said...

>"At the old Halo/Starbelly building on the 1200 block of Morse, new
>construction is under way to add three floors and 40+ condominium units
>to the existing commercial building."

>Did you mention that these 43 plus condo buyers are going to be 43 new
>SSA #24 taxpayers that didn't get to vote on this property tax

Is the much-heralded Morse Streetscape project being held up until Moore contributor and DevCorp North member RE/MAX North Coast Realty sells out their condos? No reason to alert astute potential buyers to a special property tax with banners ...

"Welcome to the Morse Special Service Area"

... hanging over the street out front.

Charlie Didrickson said...

What makes you think those are Connie's/Remax North Coast Condos?

I could be wrong but.....

Charlie Didrickson said...

Anyone... Anyone...Buhler. I mean.. Hugh?

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