Thursday, June 9, 2005

Alderman's Slumlord Pal-Part 2

Home... Not-So-Sweet Home

Not so pretty, is it? This is what the Alderman calls a good property owner. A squatter living on a slumlord owners property. This squatter litters the neighborhood with trash. She is rude to her next door neighbor, and I'm sure she's not paying rent?
Board up
Last week I featured this property owner. This week my follow up reveals a half attempted board up job. This keeps with DevCorp North's motto, "half painted, half boarded up". So many questions that go un-answered, let's ponder a few.

Where's our Vacant Window Project when we need it?

Did the Alderman's office telling a neighbor "the building is slated for demolition"?

Did the Alderman and his rubber stamp zoning committee grant Mr. Coe a zoning change even though the community doesn't approve of such a measure?

Is DevCorp North buying this commercial unit at fair market rate? Are they using the taxpayers money to do so? They sure haven't collected enough in membership dues to afford such a property.

Here is a quote from another one of the Alderman's pal's, Michael C. a couple of months ago.

"I think I speak for the vast majority of Rogers Parkers when I say I'm very happy that we're finally getting some quality development on Morse Avenue.

Now we'll have people living there who can shop there.

Craig, you can't have it both ways. You can't complain about Morse being a hellhole and then bitch when quality development comes there."

# posted by Michael C. : 8:42 AM

Does anyone believe Mr. Coe is a good neighbor now?

1 comment:

Charlie Didrickson said...


Did you even stop to consider the fact that you are using an image of a homeless woman and possibly/likely suffering from Depression or worse for your own benefit. Oh let me guess you asked and she said sure use me all you want I read your Blog all the time and think your the cat's meow.

Shame on you

You could make your well needed and likely well intentioned rant with a little more respect.

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