Monday, June 20, 2005

* Rare "Broken Heart" Poster Surfaces

Then Vanishes
Hell Hole Poster
Of course I knew it wouldn't stay up long. I figured one of Alderman Moore's flunkies, contributors or staff would have taken them down. Maybe someone from DevCorp North, maybe a Special Service Area janitor? Really... I didn't expect it to stay up as long as it did.

Two of them lasted about four hours. I placed them on the wall at 5:30 am, during my morning dog walk.

Wondering who would remove them first, I went back to the lake at 9 am and I watched from the beach as two dozen or so on-lookers viewed the posters along with the other art. I figured to see at least one person take the posters, that's if they weren't already removed... they were still there.

Along comes none other than Katy Hogan and a group of her friends. You know her as Ms. "It's our God given right to say what we want" , freedom of speech, everyone should have a say, Ms. Katy Hogan. At least I thought it was Katy Hogan. They were viewing the wall art. They were heading in a posters direction. I thought to myself, if that was Katy, she would never remove the poster? Heck, she reads and responds to this site.

But poof, LIKE MAGIC, just like that... one's gone! Katy, was that you?


Craig Gernhardt said...

Now folks, I'm not saying Ms. Hogan did anything wrong. All I'm saying is she was one of the last to see it hanging up. It was a fun test.

Charlie Didrickson said...

Stick to riding your Motorcycle Craig.

Your desire to draw attention to yourself is getting tiresome to say the least.

You put a flyer on a square that was to be painted and wonder why it was removed.

What are you thinking man?!!!!

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