Saturday, August 6, 2005

* Special Service Area #24 Open Air Drug Market

Feet from DevCorp North Offices
Drug Deal
Thursday, August 4th, 1:30pm. As Mark Semon sits in his DevCorp North office, this is what he sees most everyday. Well, maybe not? Open Air drug Market salesman, waving down customers. That's if he's doing his job? See this action is happening right under DevCorp North's nose.

That's right folks, no alleged about it, these two are working hard on in the 1300 block of West Morse Avenue, selling drugs. This alley between Mama's Fish and Mr. Block's 1340 W. Morse property, located in Special Open AIr Drug Market Service Area #24.
Drug Deal 2
Our Special Service Area #24 Open Air Market works like this. The guy in the knee high shorts and tank top runs the drugs to the cars that pull over after the other guy flags them down.

This all happens so quick and so smooth. All in a day on Morse Avenue. Where's the DevCorp North security? No where to be found.

Gangs, Drugs and Special Service Area #24, they go hand and hand.


Pamela said...

My husband and I have been making it a point to walk our dogs down Morse at least once a week and to patronize those businesses we would like to see stay in business (such as Sweet Confections which was, sadly, closed last night!). It's not easy to take the time out for this. And it's not easy to force oneself to stroll such unpleasant places but we try to hit Morse as much as our constitutions will permit. We've also been trying to hit Howard areas as well. The dog walkers helped clean up the park and beach along Rogers Park in the 14 yrs. we've been here. Now it's time we work on the other areas of the community. While it seems impossible to think that one person walking their dog can make a difference, they can, if joined by others and others. . . While I thought that the silly "take back the night" march last year was, well, silly, I do believe that residents out strolling, on a regular basis, can make a difference. But it takes time. Tell your friends to walk Morse as much as they can!

Hugh said...

>the alderman ... last I knew he didn't have even one sworn officer under his control

When the Alderman's campaigning, he's the lord of all he surveys, but when a crime occurs, the Alderman and his apologists are just regular guys.

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