Friday, August 5, 2005

* Special Service Area #19 & #24 Scandal

Creating Work By Fliering For Unknown Fringe Group
Flier 222
Back in March a Special Service Area janitor was caught networking for a program that wasn't part of the Special Service Area #19 0r 24 taxpayer funded job discriptions. This wasn't a santioned Special Service Area event. This waste of community time, waste of taxpayer fliering event was just a formality event anyhow, put on to please a university for the grant it doled out to DevCorp North. Nothing was accomplished.

Back to the above flier. See what happens, now these janitors have to clean the mess up THEY made.

Four months later, Special Service Area janitors are doing this un-santioned fliering.... and again they are create a mess. Who's in charge of the total lack of community cleanliness and taxpayer money waste? DevCorp North executives with the help of Alderman Moore of course.

fyi: Check out the scummy looking sidewalk with old gum and dirty look. Where is that pressure washer DevCorp North brags about?

Also, I'm heading to New York this weekend to ride in and report for the USA National Trials final two rounds.

I'm looking for a reporter to cover the garage sale event on August 6th at 1217 W. Chase. Not North Chase as the fliers is printed. I'm looking to find out who this group is? Does this group have political connections to anyone?

Who is in charge of this group?

Who are it's members? Which so called families are involved?

How did this group secure the school parking lot?

Is any money from this group being donated or raised for anyone or cause?

A picture or two of some vendors would be cool too.

1 comment:

Hugh said...

DevCorp North serves local business by providing free labor. If any other employer tried to pay for work with food, they would be charge with violating minimum wage laws, but DevCorp North obtained a exclusive license from the under the Illinois Department of Human Services Earnfare program to pay workers in food stamps and farm them out. DevCorp North has the state-sanctioned monopoly in our neighborhood on dirt-cheap labor.

Are there any guidelines for what DevCorp North can ask these men to do if they and their families want to eat? Is anything out of bounds? For example, if it were a slow day, could Kimberly ask them to wash her car?

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