Friday, September 16, 2005

* The Idiot Jokes Keep Coming - Updated

"If he (Alderman Moore) really wanted to address the culinary concerns of the 49th Ward, he wouldn't be struggling to ban foie gras but would propose an ordinance requiring Dumpsters to be equipped with salt and pepper shakers.

Neil Steinberg
Chicago Sun-Times

Thanks to a loyal reader for this one.

Update: David Fagus caught wind of the post and added his two cents.


Hugh said...

Like Mr. Fagus, I, too, am deeply disturbed by the press' recent coverage of Alderman Moore's antics.

City Hall is wracked with corruption, and the Aldermen are providing no oversight. He calls himself a reformer while running a thriving business profiteering off of selling his services as legislator to real estate developers. His campaign manager is being fitted for striped PJs. It's easier to buy a handgun or a rock of crack in Rogers Park than duck liver.

And all the press can think to do is call him up and ask for a quote on animal rights issues. It's embarrassing.

Pamela said...

Mr. Fagus is one of Joe Moore's biggest defenders. Lest he miss my post to his blog, I'll repeat it here -- Since David and Joe are such big defenders of the animals, I'd like to know how much money they have personally donated or raised on behalf of Katrina's furry victims. I see no links to the HSUS or AKC Katrina fund on either of their sites. Nor do I see that Alderman Moore's site has provided any information on even assisting local shelters such as Red Door that are helping care for the Katrina animals. Sponsorship of the foie gras hearings was about 1) serving special interest groups; 2) getting publicity. If Alderman Moore really cared about humanitarian treatment of animals he'd be providing all kinds of info. on the Katrina animal victims -- helpless creatures that far outnumber the number of geese that suffer foie gras hell at the hands of Chicago diners, or dare I suggest, even diners nationally.

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