Wednesday, February 8, 2006

* I Love Morse Ave Blog Jokes about Gays

Then has a Change of "Heart"

Archie got carried away trying to be a blogger. The I Love Morse Ave blog site first tried to use Gay Chicago Magazine in this post, then switched the post to the Newsweek publication after a couple of people caught the negative tone of the blog I love Morse Ave blog was going against Gay Chicago Magazine.

I believe Archie may still pissed I came into the Morseland on January 27th to grab a bite to eat and was told it would cost five bucks to eat food. Seems the Morseland Night Club is only a restaurant when it needs to secure a liquor license that was months before denied.

By the way Archie, if you go into my publication and ask for a copy of Gay Chicago, it will be given to you or anyone else free of charge. It's $5 bucks if you want it mailed first class.

Here is the copied post just in case Archie wants to remove this apology version.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Hey -- want to read Newsweek this month? It'll cost you however much it costs to buy Newsweek.

Are there any features in the table of contents for the Newsweek Magazine and Nightclub?

I know. Maybe I can totally rip on the staff of that fine publication and then go to their offices and demand a free issue. That seems logical.
Is anyone paying attention? There has never been any gay bashing on this site. If mentioning a gay publication as part of a joke constitutes gay bashing, then I apologize. The sexual orientation of the publication was not the focus of my parody, merely the actual people involved with it.

I realize that individuals and groups sensitive to the possibility of persecution and bashing might find it objectionable to bring into question any aspect of their community. I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I don't feel I did and that the ability to swap out the name of the publication in question is further proof of that. Again, I'm sorry if anybodies toes were stepped upon.

posted by Archie Gait @ 11:10 AM

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