Wednesday, February 8, 2006

* Alderman Moore Knows About the Slumlord Block Building... But Does Nothing About it.

Tenant Openly Speaks Out on the Hell Hole

I am a tenant at 1345 W. Lunt, a few months ago I went over to see Mr. Block and told him that he should really do something to keep the building clean and he just said that he would schedule an appointment with the keeper.

But what the dumbass doesn't realize that if he does the keeper will have it clean for that day but then he'll do nothing.

God I am tired of living here but can't find a three bedroom apartment I'm looking for.

Posted by Alexandra_25 to The "Broken Heart" of Rogers Park at 2/08/2006-06:28:53 PM


I live in the 1345 W. Lunt building and my window faces the Lunt side. Before this Mr.Block put up the camera which he did I saw a lot of drug dealing going on.

The tenants of the upperfloor like right above mine were drug dealers everyday there would be a car pulling up and honking the horn, the next think I would see would be the tenants running downstairs and handing them something in return for money.

I hated it and called the police twice but nothing happened. I was terrified for the life of my mom, dad and brother who got home from work at around 1:00am - 3:00am.

# posted by Alexandra_25 to The 'Broken Heart" of Rogers Park at 2/08/2006 - 07:15 PM

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