Wednesday, June 22, 2005

* Crime Hot-Bed/With Special Parking

Police Are Aware of this Gang Bunker. So is the 49th Ward Democratic Committeeman!
Front 1340
^ The gate to gang security begins here.
^ In the above photos are two watchers, Open Air Drug Market security if you want to call it. They keep many eye's, in all directions on the streets and sidewalks of this Morse Avenue property. It's a gold mine for the Morse Avenue Open Air Drug Market Salesman. Why not gaurd it as if it were a Fort Knox?

For the community It's like a police blotter super- magnet. It's the 1340 W. Morse/1345 W. Lunt Ave buildings. Our Ground Zero for drug and gang activity. In the last week we have had...

* Last Thursday, June 15th around 4 pm, one of my sources told me a heavy-weight (big time operator, not fat ) Open Air Drug Market Salesman was arrested on the street in front of this property with wads of cash in his pockets. He guessed about $3000 dollars. How did he know that? He told me he was counting along with the officer who was counting the money the best he could.

He witnessed two other Open Air Drug Market Salesman get away by running to hide in the 1340 W. Morse apartments. It's maze like building has many exits and a large parking garage connecting the two buildings. More on the garage later.
Parking ticket 6amtag number
*^ Tuesday Morning June 21st, 5:14am, ( yes... my phone tracks this stuff) a call to 911 goes in for gang and drug activity at the 1345 W. Lunt side. The 911 operator seems not interested in getting all my information, but I give as much as I can, including the gangs illegally parked car. Two were in wheelchairs I told the 911 officer, they all had white t-shirts on.

At 6am, a squad car arrives, the 6-Open Air Market salesman, still there, scattered in all directions. Nothing new here. Three went into the building at Lunt and Glenwood ( 1345), one south on the street (Glenwood towards Morse), two got in the illegally parked car and drove west, totally ignoring the police cars flashing blue lights. The officers only move at this time was to pull the car over and issue the driver a revenue generating.....parking ticket. The driver didn't even have to exit his car. The driver claimed not to see the flashing blue lights even though my neighbors and I saw them a block away. " How can you not see flashing blue police lights that are right in front of you and still be able to drive"! said my neighbor. I was busy watching the three other salesman who were hiding in the vestibule of 1345 W. Lunt building, " I saw the blue flashing lights, I said back.

The three gangbangers ( including the two wheelchair gangbang members) in the vestibule were laughing at their gangbang buddies who got the parking ticket. I had to laugh at the situation too. Here was a 911 call that goes in at 5:14 am. Six gangbangers, all in white t-shirts, two in wheelchairs, idenified regarding gang activity and drug dealing. One squad car with two officers pulls up, 45 minutes later.

The odds were six gangbangers against two officers. Clearly, the police were outmanned.

So, this property has been featured before. The property owner isn't keeping track of his property, it's running the community around him into the sewer. These gangbangers are waiting for customers and using this building to hide from the cops.

The gang members gaurd the 1340 W. Morse property for hours at a time. Day in... and day out. The property owner doesn't care. The taxpayer on this slum property is Realty & Mortgage Company at 2459 W Peterson. As you guess, they have connections to our Alderman's office.
^ Committeeman David Fagus Car gets special parking treatment at this property.
It's like this property has all the right connections for staying one step ahead of the law. It even offers hard to get parking. Look, the Democratic Committeeman for Alderman Moore has rare off street parking at a reduced rate in this building.... this is, even though, he lives more than a block away at Greenview and Lunt in condos that were built with-out enough parking spot for all condo owners. How could this happen? Ask the lame developer. The garage owner at 1345 W. Lunt told a handicap driver in our building two years ago, "No more cars can park here from other properties... only tenants".... Is David Fagus a tenant or does David Fagus have the right connections?

Could this property be a repeat winner of the Broken Heart's annual "Slumlord of the Year" award? The Alderman's-committeman doesn't think so, this owner saves him from paying for parking tickets.

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