Friday, March 10, 2006

* Clue or Prank in Wayne Jones Murder?-Update

Exclusive Photo of Secret Message

Wayne Jones was murdered, but no one has been arrested. A clue has been spotted on Howard Street. This clue wasn't spotted by DevCorp North, who claims to keep the street clean and safe. It wasn't covered by Pioneer New-Star, but by a little ole blogger.

It reads, "Donte killed Wayne Jones".

This is located on the Howard side of the 7600-7612 N Bosworth building. A IMC owned property.

Of course before reporting this story I called Area 3 detectives unit to find out if this was a hoax or not.

It is not a hoax. Donte is INDEED a person who to needs to visit the police in the Wayne Jones murder.

The police are looking for you Donte. They want to question you. Your parents know this. You know this. Looks like your your friends know this also.

Why are you on the lame Donte? Turn yourself in. You are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Friday - 3/10/06 - Updated: Going on a secret message blog tip I attended CAPS beat 2422 meeting last night to inform the neighbors in that area about "Donte on the run". Seeing he is from the Howard area community center and all. I didn't see Mr. Fitzgerald at his area CAPS meeting last night, but I did see 2 employees of CeaseFire. I went to the meeting hoping someone will start talking about who murdered Wayne Jones from my beat 2431 last month. Mr. Fitzgerald came to Morse to speak, I thought it was fair I went to his neighborhood. I learned some stuff about his area too.

I was informed of a new, or old, (depending on who you talk to) gang called the "Lokes" running the streets. These little "Lokes" are young wannabe GD's around Dontes' age, 11 to 15 years old. I asked if "maybe Donte is running with these lil' Lokes"? I was told by the police officers, "Maybe?" On top of that, my guess is, if Dontes' on the lame, Donte isn't going to school either. That's bad.


Jocelyn said...

I wonder how old Donte is? How sad for everyone concerned. I guess if he's underage you can't get his photo and post it so we can keep an eye out for him? Best thing would be if he turned himself in and begged for mercy.

gf said...

just west beyond the storefront on howard mounted on the light pole, sits our very own "blue light" pod camera. it is clearly visible in this photo and seems a logical place to start.

Toni said...

Not sure if the pod camera would pick up the writers since this is in a recessed area.

People standing in front of Sandy's, when asked about it, stated "Donte is between 11-13 and is a mean little kid". Now there could be 5-6 kids in the area named Donte. But between the previous info and the comments I received, Donte is a minor.

gf said...

ladyon farwell-

grafitti is a minor offense but there is a bigger picture here. following the logic, if"donte" IS who the police are looking for as craig has stated, and the tagger knows "donte" or knows that "donte" was involved, then THIS person would be of value to the police. if, as toni has just stated, the kids in front of the store know "donte", then THEY would be of value to the police.


i know that corner well, i live on that block, and unless someone was hugging the wall after turning west off bosworth, the camera would see the activity. i stood there yesterday after i walked my dog.

either way, the footage from that camera might be helpful.

gf said...


i wasn't disputing your knowledge about the archived footage, i was just following the logic trail. bumped right into reality, i guess.

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