Wednesday, March 15, 2006

* Full Steam Ahead for Stroger

Had Dr. Robert Simon, John Stroger's personal doctor taken Mr. Stroger to the hospital that bears his name instead of Rush Medical Center, Mr. Stroger may still be waiting to be cared for and wouldn't be able to do a little hospital bed campaigning today.

We at the Hell Hole are glad to hear he's ok... and going "full steam ahead" with his campaign. I got the fax this morning from his campaign office.

Dr. Simon made the right call and rushed Mr. Stroger to Rush Medical Center. Who has time to wait for care at the county hospital when you got a campaign to run. That's why Dr. Simon makes the big bucks.

Blognotes: Dr. Simon makes $391,550 a year with the county government at John H. Stroger Hospital as Mr. Stroger's personal doctor. Why didn't Mr. Stroger go to Rush Medical Center be treated? Sure doesn't show confidence in his own ship.


Levois said...

Great post. An interesting question posed.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Claypool campaign e-mail.

From Forrest Claypool

"Like the rest of you, I was shocked and saddened to hear the news about President Stroger’s condition. On behalf of everyone associated with our campaign, I want Mr. Stroger and his family to know our thoughts and prayers are with them. My heartfelt wish is for his speedy recovery."

From campaign manager Marj Halperin

"Thanks to the many supporters who have called in to reinforce your commitment over the past 24 hours. Of course, the election remains on Tuesday. And, from the Stroger campaign, today, comes a news release that assures the President’s supporters that they’re proceeding “full-steam ahead.”

Forrest’s weekend schedule becomes more important than ever, as does the work each of you do to help get out the vote. Turnout, always low in a primary race, is now likely to be even lower. But the choice for voters remains the same.

If you haven’t volunteered yet to put in some time in the field to make sure Forrest’s message is heard, please call the campaign office (773.271.9500) today. We will be out in full force this weekend, and need your help!"

fedup dem said...

Everyone should read the lead editorial in the Friday editions of the Chicago Tribune ("Candidate Stroger's condition"). It is a careful and detail account as to what voters ought to know prior to voting on Tuesday.

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