Sorry I had to go back to downloading photos in flickr today making them much larger. Still, these photographs are here to tell a sad story. A story of trash in front of the Block building. This is the wasted left-overs from the choir boys who just doing nothing but loiter in front of the building. This is a common occurrence. Let's look closer at what doing nothing but hanging out causes.

A close up shows two - broken pint Meyers rum bottles, a broken Hennesy bottle, half full coke bottle, a half dozen empty beer cans, pizza containers and assorted paper wrappers.
This is what is left behind when these angels just loiter. Let's not forget the pee and shit in the alley.
And speaking of Bars, have you seen this notice?
Please join me for a community meeting to review plans to redevelop the property at 1412-14 W. Morse Avenue (the Top Hat Lounge) on Tuesday, August 29 at 7:00 p.m at the United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse.
Alex Samardzija, Castle Development, and his architect, Laszlo Simovic, will present plans to demolish the existing one-story commercial building that contains the Top Hat Lounge and replace it with a five-story mixed-use brick building with first-floor commercial space and 16 dwelling units. The proposed development is allowed under the current B3-3 zoning classification.
in case anyone is unaware, the building that houses top hat also houses the imfamous Soo Liquors!
See ya later Soo! (I hope) Not this would make a big impact on Morse. Those 2 locations make the hoodlums feel I home.
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