Monday, September 11, 2006

* Alderman Moore Offers Third World Health Care

With all the hoop-la Alderman Moore made this week regarding a health fair on such short notice, I had to go and find out exactly what was being offered. Here's how I would grade Alderman Moore after what I saw.

When it comes to health care, Alderman Moore scores a big fat F. Make that a F-. If this is the best Alderman Moore can do - well, he should be very ashamed of himself. After all, the Alderman spent more time and money trying to save the ducks and geese of the world, than he did this weekend trying to take care of his human residents of the 49th ward. Here we photographed the examiner who can't even wear the mask right. Wait, there's more.

Guess what? There was no health care van like promised on the Alderman's promotional material. All the Alderman offered - was a pop-up tent. This pop-up tent was set-up for everyone to see the exams, if that's what you want to call them. Watching the nightly news, some third world countries offer a better environment when treating poor patients who can't afford health care.

Plantation Politics:

* Play music spun by DJ Land - stuff the kids with popcorn, nachos and soda.

* Offer the kids a carnival like atmosphere with a moon walk. (The line was longer for the moon walk than the line for the dental screening.)

* Give away political t-shirts letting the poor people know who pandered to them.

* Don't forget, the too little - too late, passing out of the smoke detectors after six children die.

This poor turn-out was more of a political event for the Alderman trying to save face after a deadly fire and less a check-up for the kids who's families can't afford REAL medical care.

I wonder if Alderman Moore would put his children through this type of third world medical treatment?

Blognotes: Toni over at 24/7 Howard Watcher has her view on the day.

Toni also mentions in another blog post, the lost, or runaway 16 year old girl named Emma Wasserman has been found, apparently she's alive and well. Now that's good news.


runestone said...

Disposable air examinations...ghetto nutrition.It is no surprise that Moore has very little if any regard for those who have no access to afordable or sliding scale health care. Pump them full of food that will cause problems further into the future. Was there electricity in the "health hut"? If not,quick! Alert the authorities! I am sure that there is some inane and reactionary legislation to be written!
Joe Moore is pulling out all of the pre-election tactics. He is plastering his name on anything that smacks of service to the constituency. It is more clear than ever that people are on to this tactic. Of course he wouldn't subject his own children to such substandard health care. He has an elitist approach to his low income constituency. The rule goes that they're used to substandard services so let's polish it up a little by calling it a fair and give away free stuff and they'll think it's the lotto! The fried chicken is coming home to roost Mr. Moore. I hope that you're hungry.

Jim Witts said...

I have asked this question before, but where are the Aldermanic canidates that we can get excited about?

Basically, everyone knows that Joe Moore has to go. However, in order to get people out to vote, we need a canidate that will energize people to get out and vote.

On this blog, all you ever hear is negativity to the current canidates.

One of these canidates must be at least half-way decent. We should have a debate soon, figure out who that person is and then everyone pool money/energy together to deliver THE canidate that no one in the 49th could vote against.

My other 2 thoughts? Can we sign a petition to have Moore thrown out of office? lets say, 20,000 registered 49th voters saying they want him out?

Finally, what ever your thoughts are about the mayor, we need his help. The mayor has 2 things we need. #1 lots of money. #2 our shared dislike of Joe Moore. A Daley/Ginderske, or Daley/Gordon, or Daley/Bozo would go a long way and get a lot of votes. Dispite all of Daley's problems, he still has a LOT of power.

runestone said...

That petition is the February ballot and 20,000 or better votes for Jim Ginderske would do the packing for Joe Moore.
Register to vote. Take your kids to register and vote. Throw him out the old fashioned way. Vote!

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Knightridge Overlook said...
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Anonymous said...

This appears to be a preview for the health fair slated for the 46th ward.

After watching the circus that is RP and City Hall politics, we could all use a little mental health help.

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