Monday, September 25, 2006

* Female Beaten in Front Of Heartland Cafe

Offers Bounty for the Perps Arrest & Conviction:

On Friday September 16th, 2006, a 24 year old female was minding her own business casually walking in front of the Heartland Cafe when a young black male around 20 years old grabbed her for no reason.

When she turned around, the male yelled at her. She yelled back at him not to touch her. He in return, took a boxing stance, then cold-cocked (punched) her in the face for no reason. Then the offender fled.

As a result, the victim's jaw was broken in two places and will be wired shut for 6 to 8 weeks. She has no insurance to cover the medical bills. She suffers from migraine headaches. She isn't able to work either.

Because our leader Alderman Moore won't do anything but make phoney political speeches proclaiming crime is down, the victim is offering a $500 dollar reward for the information leading to the arrest and conviction of this thug.

Blognotes: No word yet if this will be classified as a gooning?

Info number: Flyers are being posted around the neighborhood. If you really want to help make this neighborhood safe or are just hungry to earn $500 bucks - please help and get this low-life criminal off the streets. Call (773)-512-4777. If the leaders of the ward won't do anything, the citizens will.


Ryne said...

When will the 2 block area around morse, lunt get safer? I am sick of these "tough guys" googing the old, women & weak in the area. Where is kevin o'neal to give one of his pep talks?? All he is aound for is to be moores little bitch!!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand this gooning crap. Why do these people pick on people who did nothing to them?

proGun said...

Red is a pussy and 1345 is going down.
Bye bye red because you will soon be shrine for me and Craigs dog to piss on.

Anonymous said...

This sounds eerily familiar to what happened to me and my friends on the way to my house on Touhy?Ashland. We were on the way home from the Southport Festival thing and this young short guy antagonized and then proceded to punch us. He hit my friend Mike and his arm followed through and hit me. I called the police immediately but my friend's girlfriend was having a panic attack so they jumped in their car and left. I waited for the Police. When i told them all about it they just said pretty much "there's nothing we can do". I gave them a really good discription and shown them what direction he was heading. They went looking and came back not 5 minutes later. When i inquired about a police report they brushed me off, and told it wasn't going to so anything, and turned to leave. I sat there speechless with my boyfriend. If i had not had to shit so bad, I would have continued to pester the police officers. Not to mention, I have to smoke marijuana (and am prescribed Marinol) for medical reasons, and was at this point Parinoid of everything, given the events of the evening. I know it's been a long time, but is there someone you think I should speak to?

thatonedude said...

I was there, it was my friend that got hit. I saw it all, it happened. A few people still dining outside of Heartland Cafe rushed over and the black youths on the opposite corner did nothing and played dumb when questioned after the police arrived. She was taken away by ambulance.

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