Saturday, October 28, 2006

* Suburban Developer Stimulates Alderman Moore's Economy

MC&J Building II LLC, or better known as Robert Coe, who resides his business headquarters at 555 Skokie Blvd-Northrook, which coincidentally is no-where near our local area called the 49th ward, generously gave $1,000.00 dollars on April 6th, 2006, to the Citizens for Joe Moore, calling the transaction a individual contribution, thus stimulating Alderman Moore's economy.

From the looks of things, a few months later Alderman Moore's local ward 'community' Zoning And Land Use Advisory Committee (ZALUAC) grants Mr. Coe his wish - paving the way for a zoning variance on one of Mr. Coe's deals.

Nope, no hint of possible influence here.


Ryne said...

hey joe do you see those people hanging around, asking, observing, takeing notes. They work for the feds!!

Tick, tick, tick.....your on the clock!!!

Can you say corruption??

fedup dem said...

Blame it on the provisions of the Illinois Election Code. Donations are listed as individual contributions unless they either are loans or are funds coming directly from some other campaign committee. Thus a corporate slumlord's donation to "Lying" Joe Moore is correctly listed as an individual contribution.

Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government

Hugh said...


Looks like you touch a real nerve whenever you post about Moore's ongoing scheme to finance his re-election through pay-to-play real estate development in Rogers Park. Moore's apologists think it shows how tired and biased you are when you post campaign contributions from Moore's developer pals.

Hey, if there's nothing wrong with the cash payments, then there's nothing wrong with posting about them.

Keep up the good work. Keep the facts coming.

Hugh said...

I propose a

Find A Clean Real Estate Deal Contest

If anyone can post about a tear-down, zoning change, or condo conversion in the 49th Ward WITHOUT a campaign contribution, you win a Morse Hell-Hole t-shirt.

Hugh said...

The one issue Moore's aplogist have NO answer for:

Moore is dirty

Best Moore's apologist can do is attack Craig for daring to mention it.

Adams, Ginderske, Gordon - whatever else you say about these men, none of them has taken an office which has been entrusted to them by the public, and sold the services of that office to their own enrichment.

Hugh said...

Posting the campaign contributions paid for a zoning change does not mean Craig is tired or biased. It means he has focus and a keen understanding of how our neighborhood works.

It is impossible to understand our neighborhood without understanding pay-to-play real estate development.

Illinois State Board of Elections Campaign Disclosure Database

rogerspark60645 said...

Loyola PolySci,
Petitions? Hmmm...

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