Tuesday, November 21, 2006

* Sullivan Jumps Ship

More Changes to Come?

Looks like the 'other guys' campaign is in turmoil. Anne Sullivan has jumped ship and is now helping the Alderman get re-elected. Here's a portion of the press release from the Alderman's office.

Alderman Moore tapped lakefront protection activist Anne Sullivan to be his Coordinator of Special Projects. Sullivan recently directed the "Save Our Lakefront" campaign, which placed on the November 49th Ward ballot an advisory referendum opposing major lakefront development, including Lake Shore Drive extension, marinas, harbors, housing, major landfill, and commercial development.

"Anne Sullivan's passion for protecting our lakefront and record of advocacy for tenants and school children fits well with my values and beliefs," Alderman Moore added.

Blognotes: As I said, there possibly is more changes to come. I talked with a couple of the GLBT volunteers for the 'other guy' last night - One told me Harrington may be out the door real soon! One of the volunteers won't even volunteer while Harrington is involved. There's too many ego's involved on the sinking ship, it's no wonder Anne jumped...


Craig Gernhardt said...

A couple of day's ago on the Edgewater forum, Alderman Moore's new Special Projects manager Anne Sullivan wanted to start a boycott on businesses and education in Edgewater.....>"Pentagon guidelines that classified homosexuality as a mental disorder now put it among a list of conditions or "circumstances" that range from bed-wetting to fear of flying.

The new rules are related to the military's retirement practices. The change does not affect the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that prohibits officials from inquiring about the sex lives of service members and requires those who openly acknowledge being gay to be discharged." Chicago Tribune 11/19/06

And this is why we should boycott Rickover Naval Acadamy and all Edgewater businesses that support it.

Young LGBT and questioning persons should be protected from the hatred of the military and the Chamber."

Abe said...

It's so nice to know that Ms. Sullivan was so committed to change that when she lost confidence in her candidate, she ran back to the alderman when he gave her a job.

I guess I don't blame her, especially if she believes that the Alderman is the next best choice, now that her candidate is no longer in the running (in her mind).

Still, though. Something in my gut tells me that her jumping ship and joining another candidate's campaign during the same election cycle is unethical. What do you think?

Craig Gernhardt said...

From Anne Sulli on the Edgewater forum this morning.....>"I was surprised to read in another blog that I had posted something here. I don't know who this "Anne Sullivan" who is posting here now is but it is NOT the Anne Sullivan who worked as Housing Director at ECC. It is NOT the Anne Sullivan whose daughter went to Northside College Prep and who worked hard on behalf of that and ther public schools. It is NOT the Anne Sullivan who helped organize two Lakefront Protection Referenda in the 49th Ward."

I just wanted to clarify that.

I don't think boycotting businesses who support ANY public school is a good idea--even if they support a crappy or misguided program. It is hard enough to get business support for these schools as it is. A better idea is RUN IN THE NEXT LSC ELECTION. Every school has 6 parents and two community members on their LSCs. The neigbors around the schools have a vote in those elections. Use that vote and get involved with your neighbors and with your schools . Had more community people done that at Senn before, maybe the Rickover change might not have happened.

Glad Anne Sulli reads the 'Broken Heart'. It's too bad she can't explain to the Rogers Park residents why she jumped the sinking ship?

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