Saturday, November 25, 2006

* Wouldn't it be lovely...

.... if our elected officials had to account for what they actually do during every hour they work for their salaries, like many of us working in the private sector have to.

I'd love to know how many hours Joe "billed" the taxpayers for frivolity like the great foie gras struggle of 2005!

It would be especially funny if the hours had to be adjusted so that any "work" that met a certain threshold of self promotion of the candidate, whoops, I mean the official, would have to be struck off.

So, for example, Joe going on WTTW to speak to Phil Ponce about the fate of ducks wouldn't count as billable work hours.

Nico's Mom- aka Rebbeca Rouilly
January 5, 2006


Anonymous said...

Hey Craig Im a first time poster and wanted to thank you for your diligence in attempting to make RP safer. Im considering moving back to the neighborhood I left so long ago, mostly because I can actually afford one of those much hated condo conversions, and Im not the scared little kid that left so long ago.

Would you like to know why my family left in 1976 when i was 8 yrs old? We lived on the 1300 block of Lunt and the blocks surrounding it were my playground. When we started finding syringes in the alley behind JB Albertos my Mom got pretty concerned. This was before crack and their was a serious heroin problem in the area. One day while walking to school at St Jeromes I was assaulted by a junkie with a baseball bat. This was totally unprovoked, kinda like this "gooning" crap. I was 7yrs old and the guy was a teenager. This happened directly in front of 1345 Lunt. The building you write about so much. So that was it , we moved. It saddens me that nothing has changed in 30yrs.

I know this has nothing to do with the actual post I responded to, but I wanted to tell you to keep up the good work. and tell you that you have a new supporter.

Don Mac Gregor said...

Reading this reminds me of a remark I joke I heard on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me:
"Billing 25 hours in a 24 hour day? That's the Chicago way."

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