Wednesday, December 13, 2006

* Because He Cares About Your Health

Dear Neighbors,

FREE FLU SHOTS and FREE PNEUMONIA SHOTS will be made available at my office this Friday. Please tell your neighbors. Many of our seniors need these important immunizations. Won't you please help us spread the word?

Very truly yours,

Joe Moore

Blognotes: Please bring your voter card.


Anonymous said...

Hi Craig,

Do you know of any Aldermanic debates being sponsored by RP community groups? In talking with Jargowood Block Club members recently, I understand there has been only one such debate, but Joe "Less is Moore" declined to participate. If you have any information regarding this, would you please share it? Thanks!

Craig Gernhardt said...

You are correct. Rogers Park Builders Group held a debate and the three candidate showed - but Alderman Moore didn't. It's really not good for the incumbent to debate you know, and he really doesn't have too.

For a couple of year's this site was the debate outreach network. But as you can see, the candidates have shut that down too. Ginderske, Harrington and Westgard - all the folks offered opinions and asked questions, now they just pose with ducks.

We'll keep trying to get them to talk.

Craig Gernhardt said...

It's too small a venue.

Craig Gernhardt said...

More on the Alderman's health care plan.

Toni said...

Paradise, with the exception of the re-zoning issue of RP being the first in the city, and the property tax increase roll-out, we're not running at top speed here.

That's right folks, get your flu shots just in time to be sick for the holidays but recover in time to vote.

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