Thursday, December 14, 2006

* Carpetbagger Backs Moore

This just came in my email box from the electronic democrats in the 48th ward:

Edgewater DFA Group organizer Sandra Verthein has chosen a Aldermanic candidate in Alderman Moore (49th ward) and she says, "now it's time to get busy!"

"With less than 80 days until the aldermanic elections there is no time to waste, which is why our first strategy meetings will be happening within the next week. And, of course, we have some social events as well. It can't be all work and no play! "

Blognotes: Sandra is a carpetbagger who busloads people to various races. She sends city people to the burbs, knocking door to door acting like suburban neighbors. She is not one of us. She lives in the 5400 block of North Sheridan. If Sandra comes a knocking, don't answer the door. Remember, she's a stranger and the CAPS program says never open a door to a stranger.

1 comment:

Toto said...

She lives in the same building as BobB, the notoriously whiny Edgewater blogger. BobB is a big fan of Joe's

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