Thursday, December 14, 2006

* Who's Reading the 'Broken Heart'

Wow. I just installed Tracksy - a web counter and IP address monitor 24 hours ago. The first day's numbers are in.

Mind you I just got back from vacation and I use comment moderation - the 'Broken Heart' had 375 individual IP addresses visit the site since 3 p.m. yesterday. Over 1400 pages were viewed. That's amazing. That's more than triple the number of people that go to even highest attended community meetings. Talk about getting information out to the masses.

I'm going to have to upgrade and pay for the additional pages soon, if you go over 25,000 pages a month, there is a fee. I'm well on my way to going over that number.

From Government IP addresses in Washington DC - to a Northwestern University IP address visitor who logged on at 7 a.m. this morning. Since that hour, that single IP address has viewed 118 pages. Someone must be doing a research paper?

Speaking of 7 a.m., that hour of the morning had the most readers, forty-nine (49). Any coincidence?

Updated: I just had a visitor from the, during work hours no less, (4:50p.m.) was that you Kevin O'Neil?


Anonymous said...

118 pages from a single IP at Northwestern in one day? Starting at 7am? I don't know any students that start that early, it is probably an experimental web crawler indexing your site.

Anonymous said...

Go get Google Analytics -- it's better and free.

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