Tuesday, December 19, 2006

* Earning His Pay

Yesterday Alderman Moore's hired blogboy Alex scoured the blogs looking to defend Alderman Moore (49th ward) and his honor. Alex found some work by describing the Alderman's position on the liquor license controversy on Clark Street.

Here is Alex @ work:

The Progressive position - Would be to hold a series of meetings to determine whether or not the said moratorium would should be temporarily lifted, which is exactly what Joe Moore did.

Blognotes: Still no word from Jim or his blogboy's regarding this matter since his expired political stunt.

Still No Word-Part 2: - What does Jim want to do with the very bad Soo liquors?


Hugh said...

"A progressive independent group of people should not be taking on one of the few independent aldermen in the city."

-SoapBlox Chicago

Joe Moore is not independent. He is as much a rubber stamp for the Daley administration as any of his fellow Alderman. There are NO independent Aldermen in the Chicago City Council. Moore can't take two or three votes (living wage, foie gras, etc.) and line them up against tens of thousands of votes he cast with the Machine over the last 15 years and then run as an "independent." Give me a break.

Throw the bums out. ALL of them. We need a real legislature in Chicago.

saribel said...

If you go to the City of Chicago website it advises how to deal with problem liquor stores. You send letters to the commissioner who will hold a community meeting and if the store doesn't change it's ways revoke the licnese. You started to do that. Who was it you entrusted the letters to? Also, if your letter regarding a pending license is received after 40 days it is not disqualified, the commissioner can hold the case open without a decision longer than the 40 days if letters of opposition are coming in. You also do not need to live within 250 feet of an establishment to oppose it. That is just the area they are required to notify. As for Alex earing his paycheck. Perhaps he better work harded on his inspections. He missed the half pints in the window at 6701 N. Clark. If the owner promised Joe a year ago he wouldn't sell them, what are they doing there?

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