Monday, February 26, 2007

* Alderman Moore Caught Again

Monday morning Alderman Moore (49th ward) was caught red-handed again violating Illinois Election guidelines by standing inside a early polling place and shaking hands. All the while he was introducing himself to voters by name, voters who stood in line waiting to vote at the Lake-shore Senior Home, located at 7200 North Sheridan Road (20th precinct) and the Arbour Health Center at 1512 West Fargo (5th precinct) according to Chris Adams for Alderman poll-watching captain Linda Wong.

Again, a States Attorney came over and asked Alderman Moore to surrender his poll watching credentials and Alderman Moore refused, according to a the same Adams for Alderman poll-watcher. Then according to the poll-watcher, the States Attorney told Alderman Moore to leave the premises.

As told exclusively to the 'Broken Heart', then the States Attorney called the 49th ward Alderman's attorney (Chris Petelle) and warned the Moore campaign - this was a improper way of campaigning, said the Adams poll-watcher.

Blognotes: Watch out Alderman Moore, we've got all your funny business covered this time. I've got poll-watchers all over the place. Stay tuned for the most accurate election coverage of the 49th ward on the web.


The North Coast said...

It's incredible that Moore would refuse to turn over his credentials when asked to do so by a State's Attorney. This loser's arrogance is almost comic.

I guess he is surrounded by little paid yes-sayers who assure him he is above the law.

Let's show him. Let's vote this loser out, and then go after him and make sure he can never make it into public office again.

rogerspark60645 said...

I thought this was funny. I was over at St. Margaret Mary a few days ago and I started talking to one of the parishioners who lives in the 49th ward. He was wearing a Gordon button. We started talking about Joe and he said that every time he gets done talking to Joe he sort of feels like he needs to check his pocket to see if his wallet is still there.

rogerspark60645 said...

I thought this was funny. I was working over at St. Margaret Mary a few days ago and I started talking to one of the parishioners who lives in the 49th ward. He was wearing a Gordon button. We started talking about Alderman Moore and he said that every time he gets done talking to Joe he sort of feels like he needs to check his pocket to see if his wallet is still there.

Unknown said...

I'm told a similar incident occurred at Birchwood Plaza Nursing home this morning when Joe was again asked to leave.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Looks like Alderman Moore doesn't own the senior homes like he once did in the past. Too many eyes are focused on his dirty political shenanigans.

Couch Captain said...

It's nice to see all you guys leading with hope, it's cute. Craig you've come out for Adams, he makes my skin crawl but good luck and try not to be too sad when you don't get favorable results. Look at the bright side, you'll have more to bitch about under another Moore regime.

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