Tuesday, February 27, 2007

* Identify Your Voters

Talk about fancy politicking. Alderman Moore has identified his voter base and needs to remind them to vote for him today. Kinda like holding the voters hand. These personally made 'Get out the Vote' cards are popping up this afternoon on the voters doors-steps all over the ward.

Here we have what looks like a single family home at 1500 West Touhy. Five registered voter card names are taped to the front. Looking closely you can see this ones for Gano W Jennings III. It tells him where to vote and everything. Real professional. Funny thing about this home, I couldn't find a owners name on the property tax roll because it's tax-exempt.


Unknown said...

I saw similar postings on a building on Ashland that is boarded up and totally unoccupied. Makes me wonder if there was a canvas done prior to the election. Hopefully no one from any of the empty addresses actually votes.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to comment here about something I noticed this morning at the Paulina Polling station, at Touhy Park. The campaign workers outside were there as normal handing out flyers and cards. I ignored the Joe Moore workers, and went to go vote. I was a little surprised to find out front just in from of the door to the building, campaign flyers for all the other canidates but Joe Moore on the ground. These were all new, and fresh. I started to pick them up, and someone asked me what i was doing. I told them i was cleaning up the mess on the ground, and that these flyers were not supposed to be here, even if people were just dropping them. I threw them in the trash and voted. Now it was 9am roughly, and only about 3 people inside voting. No one else came inside during this time. As I left, only about 5 minutes later. Right outside on the ground was more flyers, again all three canidates, but not Joe Moore. It was fresh. I looked around, and noticed a few workers in the park a ways off seemed to be watching me. I picked them up again and put them in the trash.
Now, I am not dumb, so I got in my car, drove around the block, and parked back at home, and walked back to the park. I walked within view of the building entrance, and what do i see on the ground? The same three flyers. Now what bothers me is that at the gates, the workers are there handing out flyers. The only flyers being handed out are Joe Moore flyers. There were about 2-3 workers at both gates, with 2 more walking around the park to the west close to the entrance to the building. Only one workers was for Gordan, and one for Adams. The others were Joe Moore workers, I know becasue I asked them. But once I refused the flyers they all ignored me but the Adams and Gordan workers. So I am watching the entrace for 10 minutes, before I go to work. I am not in site, and I see some do just as I did and pick up the flyers and throw them away. Within 1 minute I see a worker come from the west of the park who was just standing around, and drop flyers on the ground at the entrance.
Now tell me, either the other three canidates have a stealth worker in their favor, or someone working for Joe Moore, trying to put campaign flyers illegially at the door. With all the illegal moves Joe Moore has bene pulling during these elections, this would not surprise me. After 10 minutes I had to go to work. But not after I watch another voter clean up the mess again. Only to have this worker drop them infront of the door again soon after. I can not verify if this was a worker or if he worked for any specific canidate. No name tag, no button, nothing. But I will tell you this, I drive past 3 polling stations on my way to work. All three had Joe Moore workers outnumbering the other roughly 3-1. All these workers looked very unhappy, cold, and dressed rather dirty. It was easy to spot them because the other workers were clean and dressed better. I have no idea what the hell is going on here, but I know something really screwy seems to be going on today. With the race close right now between Moore and Gordan, I really hope Moore gets beat. Rogers Park is in trouble, and if Moore is re-elected, we are screwed.

ThatGirl said...

No matter who you support amongst the challengers,
we need to stand up as one and SCREAM at Lisa Madigan and anyone else about this. The illegal behaviour is so appalling i could grind my teeth to powder.
Can we all at least agree on that??

I too was watched as i picked up and straightened signs. I wanted to walk up to the guy and throw my coffee in his face.

Carol Goldman said...

That is one of the Lawrence Hall Group Homes for Boys.
> Maybe you have discovered a new voting scam. I doubt that there are 5
> registered voters living there - even if they are staff members. There are
> probably 12 group homes still in Rogers Park. 12 X 5 voters is 60 votes!
> Needs examination. Carol

argillic alteration said...

So that's what he's been doing with the CD's. Heh heh.

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