From the looks of things, DevCorp North has finally given up in maintaining the ugly planters around the Morse Avenue EL. Recently one of the planters was turned into a garbage dumpster, while the other five remain full of dirt and garbage.
Even with the extra street tax dollars DevCorp North receives with Special Service Area #24 over the last three years, they still can't keep there promise to maintain the planters on Morse Avenue. See, beautification isn't one of their strong suits.
Still, flowers don’t mean cash for retailers. Special service area taxes aren’t translating into retail dollars, says Katharine Grayson at the Chicago Journal. Business districts that have established special property taxes for improvements do not show more economic growth than retail corridors that do not have such taxes, according to a new study conducted by the Metro Chicago Information Center.
BLOGNOTES: Under Alderman Moore, your tax dollars are not being watched properly. DevCorp North is wasting and mismanaging the Special Service Area tax money they receive and Alderman Moore turns his back on the issue. Alderman Moore is asleep at the wheel.
Zzzzzzz .... [Joe] [Don]
An interesting response to my query pertaining to the misuse of city resources...
Mr O'Shaughnessy
You sent an e-mail to my ward office regarding Mr. Jim Ginderske email
endorsing my campaign for re-election. Please be advised that the
email did not actually come from the City of Chicago email address, but was
sent by, a service paid for by my political fund,
Citizens for Joe Moore. A volunteer in my campaign office accidentally
used a pull down screen and selected this return address rather than
our political address. The email did not flow through city email servers
and no city funds were used to send this email. This was simply a
clerical error.
I regret that it happened, however, and apologize for any confusion
caused by the error and
I have directed my staff to forward your response to me.
Alderman Joe Moore
I forwarded my complaint with the email to the city IG because I'm still fairly certain that the selling of the ward's email list is illegal and/or the use of the email list for political purposes is illegal.
I'm still waiting for Moore's response to those questions (selling and/or use)
I also got a response from JG about his support of JM.
Thank you for your query.
I think Joe sent you a note clearing up his clerical issues.
I am supporting Joe because of the reasons I outlined in that letter, along with the fact that I am not as conservative as Mr. Gordon or his financial backers.
The sentence: "I do not run merely to oppose anyone" is the second thing written on my website, so characterizing me as simply anti-Joe would be inaccurate. Nor was I ever pro-Gordon in any way. I also made this point clear in at least two debates. I would point out also that while 51% of voters voted against Joe Moore, 71% voted against Mr. Gordon.
However, I absolutely respect your decision to support Mr. Gordon. Please do not deny me the same respect.
Sorry for the confusion.
Jim Ginderske
JG...I don't deny your decision to support Moore. What I do question is your motivation for doing so! You MOCKED Moore while filing your petition to run for alderman.
There is something more than simply a decision on who to support.
Was it also a clarical error that they put illegal signs in the park? Was it a clerical error that caused Joe to walk into polling places on election day to help seniors vote for him? Was it a clerical error that I received 4 glossy fliers in the mail touting how "green" Joe is?
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