Tuesday, July 17, 2007

* Joe's Kindergarden Supporters

Sorry folks, back to comment moderation until I can weed out Joe's kindergarden boot-lickers who continue to sign up under anonymous names and drive-by with comments that bring nothing to the table but name-calling.

Hey Joe, don't any of supporters have the balls to identify themselves? Or is that a quality you look for in a follower?


Craig Gernhardt said...

And just to show you guys us bloggers are not all that bad, - how many of you went to Joe's house yesterday and personally sang 'Happy Birthday' to him?

Even though it was terribly out of key, Mannis and I did. And with that, Joe invited us to join the party.

Craig Gernhardt said...

To everyone who's asking, whats going on? I'll tell you.

Whenever the heat starts piling on Joe due to his neglect of ward issues, he has minions sign on and divert the conversation to child's play and personal attacks. Much like the election and the pink postcard mailer.

I have to censor these comments because all they do is start a back and forth, he said-she said situation.

Why is it Joe can censor discussion and I can't? I have to sit quietly at Joe's infomercials - you Joe supporters can sit quietly here.

This is my blog, I'm not forcing anyone of Joe's suck-ups to read. And I sure don't want to read your pollyanna bullshit on MY BLOG. Like dozens of others have, go start your own.

For the rest of my readers, I'll undo the moderation shortly - when Joe's kids can calm down and grow-up. Or just go away.

Gay Chicago Magazine said...

Oh, look, comment moderation is already off. Did Joe's supporters grow up that fast, or did Craig just get so wasted that he hit the wrong button?

Everything's okay now!

Gay Chicago Magazine said...

What does W mean about the comment moderation? Is it turned off or not? The screen I see shows it still in place.

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