Saturday, July 14, 2007

* Shots Fired in CAPS Beat 2431

The lawlessness continues around the Morse Hell Hole as neighborhood reports say shots were fired in the early morning hours, around 3:45 a.m.

The alleged six shots were heard by numerous neighbors who live in the vicinity of Farwell/Wayne/Lakewood. One neighbor named Kevin called 911. He said the shots seemed to come from the alley that runs between Farwell and Morse, between Wayne and Lakewood. This is a known gang hang-out and get-away from the police area because of the Bil Mar property in the 6900 block of North Lakewood.

BLOGNOTES: So much for sleeping tight.


Hemps said...

I'm really looking forward to moving to RP now!

Robin said...'re not at 7710 Paulina, are you. ")

Veronica said...

Several other comments were made about these shots on the "Lies! All Lies!" post:

craichead said...

I was walking home with a friend about ten minutes after that. We were walking north on Greenview near Farwell, and there were at least five police cars darting in and out of alleys and streets. Scary.

prattpangs said...

Martial law won't come soon enough! These 'domestic terrorist' better cease and desist or else...

Veronica said...

Once again, the "homeboys" were at it... Just now, about 2am Sunday, we heard the same noises as last night, and called it in directly to the police. I sure hope they catch the bastards and let the rest of us sleep finally...

Farwell Momma said...

We keep feedin'...they keep breedin'

The North Coast said...

Yeah, Farwell Momma, that is so.

Unfortunately, the Repug Right Wingers don't help. The "prolife" people scream murder if you suggest that maybe we ought to be paying people to use birth control or get a tubal ligation. Since the Repugnants took up the Religious Right, it has become much costlier and more difficult for a poor woman to obtain birth control or a tubal ligation. You almost cannot get a voluntary tubal if you are on Medicaid.

Cook County Hospital does a small number of 'pro bono' sterilization, but women with three or more kids are first in line and there is a 3-year waiting list, last I heard.

Worse, I recently read that Medicaid is making birth control much more expensive and that it will cost a poor woman $75 out-of-pocket per month for her contraceptives. Do people realize the meaning of $75 to a poor person? Do they realize that such a sum can buy a month's worth of food?

Any right-winger who complains about the cost to the public of free birth control and sterilizations for anyone who doesn't have insurance, ought to consider what it costs to keep a family on welfare because Mom has more kids that she can support on minum wage, or worse, what it costs to incarcerate just one violent offender.

anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DorothyParker007 said...

now we are blaming right wingers for thugs having babies, hmm. what about the song "golddigger" up for many music awards last year, where the rapper complains about fathering a baby and I got take care of it. and the other song being a baby mama, glamorizing being a mama at 16. can we stop blaning white people for all the crime in the black neighborhoods. its time for families to take responsiblity for their own actions, its the 21st century, 2007 not 1962 or 1982. i agree with louis farragan when he preaches that the balck family be responsilbe for their own. amen

The North Coast said...

Dorothy, you are right about the matter of responsibility for crime. It lays on the perp, of course.

I certainly don't want to excuse the perpetrators of crime because of their "disadvantaged" status. In fact, my belief is that we have too much crime in every segment of our society because our justice system is so weak and uneven.

However, I'm very disturbed that it has become so difficult for the people least able to take care of a kid to avoid having them, and I'm upset with the religious politics that have made it so difficult for the indigent to obtain birth control. No kidding, we are all paying for the results.

It's too bad that discussions of crime are so centered around race, because now the crime rate is creeping northward in all classes and ethnic groups. I certainly didn't mean for my statements to be taken as a plea for leniancy for violent crimes.

I was only pointing out that it isn't rational policy to encourage the weakest and most disorganized members of a society to breed recklessly, and our policies do that.

neocynic said...

Birth control is readily available to the poor. High schools have clinics, free clinics, that distribute. Planned Parenthood prescribes pills, gives shots, morning after pills. It's right there on Devon and Broadway. Free clinics give it out.

Christian right wingers are doing everything they can to impede teenage girls opting for abortion. Crazy! As though they are ready to step in and fix the stress and misery that results from a child having a child.

Big problem with acceptance of this teenage mother syndrome. I have a friend whose a nurse on an obstetrics ward. She had assisted in a 15-year-old giving birth and heard the girl's mother thank the 16-year-old father for "Making her a grandmother." How do you address that?

The North Coast said...

neocynic, this is where I side with the "conservatives". I definately think we need to bring back the concept of shame, and name an out-of-wedlock childbirth for what it is- an utter disgrace.

Most of all, we need to stop excusing people for vile crimes because of the circumstances they came from. Most poor people are not criminals, and there are millions of people in this country who have suffered vicious abuse and incredible hardship in their formative years, including the loss of both parents, growing up in a chain of vile foster homes, and every other degradation you can think of,yet they turn their backs on crime and manage to lead decent, quiet lives.
I agree with you on the matter of retroactive birth control. We need abortion, let's just face it.

We need to get over the notion that all cultures are equally deserving of respect and recognition. We can see that some cultures produce achievement and foster life-affirming values, while others produce nothing but crime and blight, yet somehow, according to the "multiculturists", we are supposed to see all cultures as of equal worth.

Sorry, but a culture that celebrates careless parenthood by children, glorifies gunplay and murder, and worships unearned riches while showing utter disrespect for people who work to achieve and rise above their circumstances, just plain isn't as good as a culture that promotes work, impulse control,and achievement.

blue collar said...

north coast....i could not have said it any better. if you don't want to work FINE.
but you better believe that your free money is going to dry up sooner or later. if you've been on SSI, LINK, Section 8 or all the rest for your entire life and you hit 18 I say give them three more years to get themselves straight...and by the time you are 21 and you're not in school or at work there are three options: military, peace corp, ditch digging in afghanistan

wantstoknow said...

This is a serious question. Does calling the police help at all when you haven't witnessed anything or know where the shots were coming from? I also heard these shots, but didn't call since I had no information to give other than I heard what sounded like gunshots. I was pretty relieved to see the police cars go by a few minutes later though. So what's the rule of thumb in situations like this?

supersam said...


The North Coast said...

I call and report it immediately.

However, when you call, be careful of your choice of language. Say, "there are shots being fired at such-and-such a location. I'm afraid to go outside. They do not sound like firecrackers." Be sure you choose words that convey how serious the situation is.

If you call and say you hear "noise" in the alley, or "it sounds like it could be firecrackers", no one will come. Noisy verbal altercations and firecrackers are low priority around here.

Lives have been lost because a frantic caller said something like "da lady be layin' down on da ground", leading the 911 operator to believe the lady was drunk, when in fact she had been beaten over the head with a baseball bat, and died later that day. This was Mrs. Sylvia Golub on Marine Drive in the early 90s, a complete tragedy. People tried to help but they didn't know how to get it across how serious was the situation.

ck said...

Tuesday, July 17th, 4:40 AM. Five shots fired near the corner of Greenleaf and Paulina. Was definitely a gun b/c I could hear the action of the weapon as it was being fired. Cops were called.

Julie said...

but you better believe that your free money is going to dry up sooner or later. if you've been on SSI, LINK, Section 8 or all the rest for your entire life and you hit 18 I say give them three more years to get themselves straight

My guess is that would have been their parents who were on these programs, when you "hit 18" you are eligible only for the LINK card because they don't want people STARVING in the richest country in the world.

BTW, retirees or older people who lose their jobs because of this tremendous booming economy of ours, are also losing their apts and becoming homeless because they AREN'T eligible for these programs that you so despise, but then, that is also a population denigrated on this blog....they aren't all drug addicts, though many are.

Most poor people are not criminals, and there are millions of people in this country who have suffered vicious abuse and incredible hardship in their formative years, including the loss of both parents, growing up in a chain of vile foster homes, and every other degradation you can think of,yet they turn their backs on crime and manage to lead decent, quiet lives....We need to get over the notion that all cultures are equally deserving of respect and recognition. We can see that some cultures produce achievement and foster life-affirming values, while others produce nothing but crime and blight, yet somehow, according to the "multiculturists", we are supposed to see all cultures as of equal worth.

Just which "culture" exactly are you referring to? From what I see, this is the American culture. If you think corporate execs who get outrageous salaries, corporations that are nothing but tax dodgers, people like Paris Hilton and her ilk that do nothing but party and spend money, people like Madonna and Brittany Spears who dress and act like whores, aren't setting the bar for the youth of America and contributing to this "culture" you so abhor,that is plainly American, you are sadly misguided and blind.

Could you elaborate on which "culture" deserves our respect and which one doesn't? I'd love to see if you have the chutzpah to come out and say what you want to say instead of veiling it in a string of euphemisms.

Martial law won't come soon enough

BTW, the martial law curfew will apply to you too, it doesn't mean they'll apply it to who you are afraid of so YOU can walk the streets at night. NOONE will be out after curfew.I for one, don't want to see the NG patrolling my streets again.Had it with the first Daley, one was enough.

Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it.

The North Coast said...

Well, Julie, I will be the first to agree that our grossly overpaid upper classes are mostly parasitical, semi-criminal filth and are making their money by corporate welfare and are promoting a Casino Economy that is robbing most of the rest of us of our future. There are prominent exceptions, such excellent and highly productive people as Buffet and a couple of others, but for the most part these are people we could do with out. May they all end up like Baby Jane Holzer and Barbara Hutton.

However, I'm not talking about the one tenth of one percent who are mostly overpaid parasites. Why do you even bring these types of people into the discussion?

I'm talking about the 190 million or so people in low to middle income brackets, people like me and you, who work for what we get, scrimp, try to save, worry about job security and how we are going to fund our retirements on a daily basis, make sure we don't take on obligations we can't meet, control our fertilitly, live with shabby furniture and outdated clothes, and pay the taxes for all the rest. I'm also talking about the people who take real business risk and put everything they have on the line for a small startup just to lose out to a heavily subsidized recipient of Corporate Welfare such as just about any big box store.

I'm talking about the poor and near-poor who work their asses off at cruddy, futureless jobs, pay their bills, stay out of trouble, pay steeply elevated taxes through their rent and other purchases for for little, and have to put up with living side-by-side criminal dregs and women who have 10 kids by 10 different fathers by the time they are 27 years old.

I don't mind SSI, and I would not include most SSI recipients in the list of Welfare Parasites. I believe any place that calls itself civilized will not permit the physically handicapped and mentally ill to end up starving on the streets, nor should any soldier badly injured in combat and permanently wrecked as a result ever have to worry about a roof over it's head. The indigent elderly, also, have a legitimate claim.

If these were the only people we had to carry, we would have no problems.

Yet we cannot help these categories of deserving people as a civilized country should because we are carrying too many predators and parasites at the top and bottom of our society both.

Sad thing is, if it were not for the appalling crime around here,and in this country in general, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

That's what it gets back to- that we are enabling and encouraging aso-called "cultures" that is deeply antithetical to civilized values, and it's the hapless people at the bottom who suffer first and the most.

neocynic said...

Culture: the ideas, customs, skills, arts, etc. of a people or group that are transferred, communicated or passed along as in or to succeeding generations.

Which culture are we referring to?

How about the hit, beat, punch, kick, stomp, pummel, cut, shoot anytime you're mad culture?

North Coast, you're brilliant. Why does it always come down to "Can I force you or shame you into admitting you're a racist."

Can't allow this shutting down of free speech and astute observations about social craziness. The "racist" charge is just a tactic when rational argument gets too hard.

Thanks for not backing down.

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