Wednesday, September 19, 2007

* More on the Botched Bank Robbery

Joe Moore promised to give the community of Rogers Park and the residents of the 49th ward a better description of the bank robber on August 30th.

But guess what? Joe didn't deliver on that said promise. Joe Moore dropped the ball on this one. We at the 'Broken Heart' wanted to make sure the community had a clue as to who we should be looking for. After all, this nutcase with a handgun held the neighborhood hostage all day.

The F.B.I. says the robber was a black male in his 20's, about 5 foot 10 inches tall, weighing about 190 pounds and is a medium build. If you see someone fitting this description, please don't try to play hero, call 911. This person could be armed and dangerous.


Veronica said...

unfortunately, that is an extremely vague description that many people fit. some distinguishing marks would be a lot more helpful, if possible.

Unknown said...

I saw him today, along with half a dozen or so of his twin brothers.

Fargo Woman said...

Ooooo! Thanks for the advice - I'll make sure not to approach any black man in his twenties with a medium build in Rogers Park . . . or in Chicago . . . or anywhere else in the country . . . the world! Yeah, that's it. I won't approach any black man who appears to be in his twenties with a medium build in the whole world. That should keep me safe. And I just know the local law enforcement will appreciate my calling them to report each and every sighting too.

O.K., O.K., I think I've made my point. This doesn't qualify as a description so much as racist fear mongering. This could actually be an example of Joe employing diplomatic restraint in a decision not to release this "description" to the constituancy. I'm pretty sure if he had I would have been one of the first ones to poke fun at him for doing so.

Unknown said...

Don't see how the description can be considered racist, since the criminal was indeed of that description. It does, however, seem like a pointless description, given that it is so vague.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I'm surprised more people didn't catch on to this Special Fox News report. This ran Saturday night right after America's Most Wanted.

They milked the segment in the promo's a half dozen times - all with the premise of giving us a detailed description of the bank robber.

We were better off when they told us he was wearing a surgical mask.

Fargo Woman said...

The racism is found in its vagary. When was the last time you heard a description of that sort regarding a white man? Vague descriptions that so easily apply to a wide breadth of individuals in a minority group are, by definition, racist. This tactic is so ingrained in the white American parlance that many of us don't even notice it. Then, for mainstream media to pick it up and focus on it is sad commentary on the state of American media in general.


Unknown said...

Oh come on, Fargo woman. No disrespect, but a vague description of an individual is by NO definition racism. If it WAS a vague description of a caucasian, asian or hispanic man, would it be racism? Did you never really consider that they just don't have a better description? Don't you think more detail would have been offered if it was available?

Again, no disrespect, Ms. Fargo, but I think it's a pretty lengthy stretch.

Fargo Woman said...

rogersparking, thank you for the respectful tone you provide this discussion. I appreciate it anytime people engage in expressing differing viewpoints without being disrespectful.

My question remains, when have you ever heard such a vague description when it involves a white man? My reference to the fact that this smacks of racism was not exclusive of the other minorities. If it were attributed to any minority it would still be racist. My whole point rests in the fact that I have never heard such a vague description attributed to a white man.


Unknown said...

I think I see your point, Fargo Woman, but I really can't imagine that there was some racially charged motive behind the vague description of a criminal. I think they just didn't have more details on the robber's description. I guess the worst part of this is that they'll likely never catch the guy.

And I can't speak from personal experience, but I'm guessing there have been countless vague police descriptions issued for people of all races in the past.

I have to respectfully ask: Do you really think someone put out a vague description of a bank robber for some racist reason?


Fargo Woman said...

Like I said before, this sort of thing is ingrained in the mainstream parlance; it is standard operating procedure for the vast majority of America and mainstream media.

I remember having to lodge an official complaint against a man at work once to get his to stop referring to me as a girl - I was 26 at the time - and his primary defense was that it wasn't his intention to belittle me or make me feel that I am less than I am. Yet, of course, that is exactly what was happening.

Racism in America is so pervasive that people aren't even aware of it when they display it for the world to see.

The description was so vague as to be essentially useless yet was touted as being "detailed." It was issued with a warning not to approach for fear of personal safety. Now, put yourself in the place of the literally hundreds of thousands of young black men who fit or come close to that description. Imagine what it must be like to see the fear, hear the intake of breath, or watch people avert their eyes and pick up the pace in their walk.

No, this particular incident is not the only brick that built the wall, indeed it is just one more of countless millions; but it is one more and it won't be until we recognize it for what it is that we even have a chance to tear the wall down.


Big Daddy said...

Some people will see racism where racism doesn't exist. They see it around every corner, underneath every bed. It's a convenient scapegoat for their own racism. Maybe, just maybe, that was the only description they had.

Unknown said...

"Some people will see racism where racism doesn't exist." Sure, that happens.

However, some news editors probably also saw the so-called "description" of the bank robber as worthless, and decided that putting that nonsense in the TV newsreader's prepared script would only contribute to society's prevailing mindset that Blacks are criminals.

Institutional racism is the operative concept to understanding why some of us object to the mainstream media, especially sensationalistic television, regularly broadcasting urgent reports that "...the police are looking for a Black man."

Big Daddy said...

I've never heard the MSM say that the police are looking for a black man. IF they DO give a description and the bad guy is black, they usually omit the race.

Unknown said...

Big Daddy wrote: "I've never heard the MSM say that the police are looking for a black man. IF they DO give a description and the bad guy is black, they usually omit the race."

Man, are your computer's speakers turned on? Or, are you, yet again, purposely deflecting and talking in circles around the main issue?

This MSM (mainstream media) television news story ends with a clear example of the very issue raised by Fargo Woman, and now by me. You say you've never heard it, yet an example of it is right here for all to see. It happens all the time, and so much that many people never realize it or stop to think about how the regular drumbeat affects our perceptions.

The Fox News reporter reads the flimsy description of the robber, of course starting with his most prominent feature - his race.

So, you won't acknowledge this particular concern over racial bias in the news media? Fine, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

B00ndock said...

Fargo Woman:

Racist Fear Mongering??? I will admit that it's a pretty lame description, but a race issue?? Give me a break! I love how the Media now is afraid to give the race on possible offenders recently. This f#@%&*ng country is so soft it's no wonder we have a revolving door judicial system!

B00ndock said...

"When was the last time you heard a description of that sort regarding a white man? "

---Well if you look at the increase in Bank Robberies just in the Chicago land Area alone, you will find that most were committed by White Males (30-40 years old)

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