Saturday, September 1, 2007

* Shots Fired on Juneway

One of my North of Howard-watcher residents tells me there were allegedly 'three shots fired' this morning around 5:30 a.m. on the corner of Juneway and Ashland. The best description I got from my e-mail source was a few black males in long white t-shirts running from the scene. No word if anyone was hit by the alleged bullets?


Bosworth said...

There were actually 4 shots fired, at 5:36 a.m. 911 said they would send a car.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Sorry for the misinformation Bosworth. I'll have to cut this NOH resident off the reliable information resource list.

Bosworth said...

Wasn't a slam Craig. Just wanted to clarify.

dbt said...

anybody else just hear gunfire near morse? I'm over at lakewood and farwell and it sounds like it's northwest of me a bit.

dbt said...

never mind. fireworks, probably on pratt

Veronica said...

this is from that article in on the ABC site,, (I'm not sure how you put in links, unless it automatically turns into one).

Apparently: "The FBI said the suspect never really got into the part of the bank where cameras cover the tellers' windows and the city said the neighborhood is not plagued enough by crime to merit coverage."

I like this quote for 2 reasons: Number 1, shouldn't the rear of the bank have cameras so they can make sure no one is doing anything illegal in the back of the bank?, and Number 2, Rogers Park does not have enough crime to merit coverage? HOW MUCH CRIME DO THEY NEED? A MURDER EVERY NIGHT? Jeezy Peets. RP need to turn into Washington DC or LA before it's considered armed and dangerous. Hey, at least someone agrees with Moore that "crime is down".

Veronica said...

sorry that's the NBC site, not ABC. i don't follow the news, and am not particularly familiar with the symbols. i love all the pictures of the cops standing around.

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