Saturday, December 22, 2007

* Expanded Coverage from the 'Broken Heart'

Public Service Announcement

Attention Rogers Park readers (and trolls).
The 'Broken Heart' is growing by leaps and bounds. In the next couple of months I'm going to be expanding my territory to cover the Edgewater and Uptown neighborhoods too.

Naturally, as the area of coverage is now larger, this will allow more readers to follow and comment on Mary Ann Smith, Crime on Thorndale, Senn High School, Wilson Yards, Helen Shiller, Over-development, Slumlords, the Hollywood/Sheridan TIF, the Broadway SSA's, (I'll remember the numbers soon enough) - Oh, and the 7th district State Senate race.

Blognotes: I'm also adding a new rule here for 2008. Some Hell Hole lurkers get antsy once and a while with the content - and want to start flame-throwing accusations around without clarifying who they really are. I'm all for a good debate. But let's make something perfectly clear. From now on, if you don't tell us who you are, and you start to flame-throw, you'll be cut off. Give us your full name if you're going to throw accusations at someone. If you can't do that, your voice doesn't deserve to be heard.

Not only that, you'll hurt other neighborhood readers as well. I will close that blog posts comments section down entirely. You'll notice I've done that to a couple of posts this week. I'd rather have a few quality comments from people we all know, than a ton of crap from a bunch of closet cases who are too afraid to attach a real name to their nasty words.


some girl said...

Glad to hear you're expanding, Craig. I've been reading your blog basically since I moved here six months ago, and am excited to hear there's going to be someone doing a little Edgewater coverage, since I live there yet am still generally clueless. Good luck!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Thanks Sarah. Pass the word around. Word of mouth is the best advertisement.

Also, if you've got a news item, hot tip, announcement about something you feel important, email it to me. A rule of thumb - photos with stories always have more impact. Nearly everyone has a camera on their cell phone these days.

Uptown Updater said...

Congrats on your expansion Craig! We are pretty sure Uptown has more than enough to keep you busy, as you well know.

Ryne said...

Glad your moveing down to Edgewater, I have lived down here for 2 yrs after liveing in RP for 5 yrs I didn't want to buy a condo there (sorry my choice) I still have joey boy as my aldermen/wonderboy!

I have to say Grandville has calmed down since the Soo & Grandville liquior have stopped selling booze!

Test said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Craig Gernhardt said...

Ms. T., one of our closet case lurkers. That's how the delete button works.

Don't you know how to read? You want to call Jocelyn and I names? Well, you'll have to provide your first and last name, or no comments of that nature, you coward.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs