Hey Craig, I noticed you featured a bad neighbor who doesn't pick up his dog shit. Did you know we've got someone like him that lives near you and I? Now that the snow has melted, the piles of shit can be seen everywhere. I took a couple of pictures to prove it. So can you guess how many piles of dog shit are in front of 1332-36 W. Lunt? I counted over 20 piles of dog shit. I've looked at the different sizes of dog shit, and it's got to be a couple different sized dogs. One dog shits big loads and the other shits are smaller in size. I know one of the culprits lives in the apt. building above the art gallery next door to the houses. Maybe Tom Mannis can come over with his camera and investigate the matter in further detail? I'd like to see this guy caught on film. Or better yet, someone with official capacity needs to write this guy a few citations. Maybe he'd learn his lesson then?
Signed, Tired of Stepping in Dog Shit
I've never understood those individuals who won't clean up after their dogs. That is plain nasty and I would wonder if they would do this on their own property.
what is your fetish with shit craig?
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