Tuesday, January 8, 2008

* Joe Moore Takes One on the Chin From the IVI-IPO

Freshwater said....>Dorothy Parker 007 has it so wrong - it's twisted. IVI-IPO supported Elder because she is independent, and in spite of Moore, not because of him.

The facts: Despite extremely intense lobbying by the Steans campaign, the margin of IVI-IPO support for Suzanne Elder actually widened at the State Board level. The vote to endorse Elder carried 11-5, with 5 abstentions. Some board members indicated they might change their votes in a later round, but no second motion or vote was needed.

If Elder is Moore's stalking-horse, he has a real funny way of helping his proteges. Moore, according to witnesses, spoke out for Steans at DFA (and got heckled), pushed hard to make sure Steans got the 49th Ward Dems nod, and spoke out for Steans at the Rogers Park IVI-IPO session. Most of that to no avail.

If IVI-IPO is Moore's handmaiden, they are an insolent and rebellious servant. The Steans lobbying effort included bunches of phone calls from heavyweights -- one board member reported getting 4 phone calls from Moore alone -- and some board members who often are absent from meetings put in rare appearances. Moore's guy Wayne Frazier gave a long speech in favor of Steans. 46th Ward commiteeman Tom Sharpe's wife also appeared and under guise of a "point of order" began to give a speech against the Elder endorsement. She was finally ruled out of order.

The only possible conclusion from this is that Elder is in fact an independent candidate and that IVI-IPO, tho they've supported Moore in the past, and he's placed some of his people on their board, are in fact independent of him as well.

Blognotes: Today at City Hall, the IVI-IPO announces their endorsements to the public.


DorothyParker007 said...

Well let me de-twist thou prezel

FW.."the margin of IVI-IPO support for SE actually widened at the State Board level."
DP007: 7 yahs, 5 nays & 5 abstentions. Abstentions mean "I'm not voting 'cause I just can't vote yes" so its essentially a no vote, but in a nice way, so 11-10, giving a "wide margin" of 1, almost a tie.

FW.." IVI-IPO supported Elder because she is independent, and in spite of Moore, not because of him."
DP007: Unless FW is a mind reader how would you know why anyone voted for SE? And was Moore really an influence at all?

FP:.."Moore according to witnesses, spoke out for Steans at DFA (and got heckled)"
DP007: Are Elder supporters so immature that they have to "heckle" isnt that what kids do, whether its JoMo are not, pretty silly stuff.

FW..."and some board members who often are absent from meetings put in rare appearances."
DP007: And maybe they voted nay or abstained. Are we to be impressed with board members who rarely show up at meetings? They shouldnt even be on a board if they only show up on occassion. Gee if Moore did that you be up in arms.

FW.."and that IVI-IPO, tho they've supported Moore in the past, and he's placed some of his people on their board, are in fact independent of him as well."
DP007: What I said was the IVI people that showed up to vote at No Exit, all 7 votes, were the past IVI leaders who are known to bestest buddies of JoMo, lets say they swim with the fishes or swimming pools.

Elders has a platform, thank goodness and she is articulate so I say vote for a candidate because of her mandate, not because of being "in spite of Moore." For it is a known fact, even Elders supporters are BFFs with JoMo.

The Craigster blog states being pro Elders in order to rant anti Moore slogans is not the way I pick a candidate.

DorothyParker007 said...

From Suzanne Elders diary on her blogsite:

On Monday, I met with 49th Ward residents at an event hosted by Alderman Joe Moore and Committeeman David Fagus. It was an exciting evening and I was heartened by the confidence and support of the voters that were there that evening. Like so many others in the district, residents in the 49th understand how vital it is that access to public office remains open to everyone.

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