Friday, January 11, 2008

* John Kass Acknowledges Blogs

* "Grodner continues to avoid my phone calls. I'm sure he's not as terrible as some blogs portray him to be. Perhaps he's completely innocent, or a fellow who made a mistake. Or perhaps he is an angry anti-war lawyer who protested by ruining the finish of the Marine's car. I don't know. Either way, he's not calling to explain."

Blognotes: Even the most seasoned news-hound in Chicago can't get the anti-military lawyer to talk. Kass follows up on the Jay Grodner case.

1 comment:

Craig Gernhardt said...

Best comment on the Tribune story.

John, he won't provide you with his side of the story. What can he say? "Yah, I keyed his car and I don't want to pay for it?"

This crooked, bleeding heart liberal, spineless snake in the grass lawyer will hopefully get what's coming to him. I'm glad you write about it. Continue to spread this guy's name all over like white on rice. Maybe, hopefully, he can file for bankruptcy again in '08! What a jagoff.

My support to the marine and his vehicle, as well as the people trying to help him. He fights for our country (his choice or not) and this is how he's thanked.

Sadly I can not be suprised by Grodner. What can I say about Grodner than hasn't already been said about a steaming heap of feces?

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs