Monday, April 21, 2008

* After School Delight

3:15 PM: 1515 West Morse. Large group of males fighting.

3:27 PM: Principle called. Girl fight at Sullivan High School.

4:31 PM: Clark and Morse. Male beating up a female.

5:37 PM: Group of males Hispanics fighting in Touhy Park. Call came from the Park District.

5:38 PM: Jarvis and Paulina, large group fighting. Receiving multiple calls.

5:40 PM: Group fight Clark and Rogers. Moving towards Pottawattomie Park.

5:43 PM: Group fighters heading from Pottawattomie Park to Fargo.


ck said...

Hollow-points in flight...after school delight!

Dr O said...

Ahhh...the wonders of spring gang member recruiting season!
many probably showing their worth to become members.

pearl said...

It was depressing walking the dogs this afternoon. Large groups of kids traipsing up and down Ashland. First one way (seemingly escorted by adults), then back the other way (sans adults), in smaller groups, but same kids. Cruisers all over the 'hood. Kids looking for trouble, cops trying to stop it or break it up. All I could think was "where are the parents?"

Ryne said...

joey moore told us that crime is down!! So things are getting much better in RP (joey said so also ask his stooge kevin o'neal), I am sure these kids where just haveing disagreements!!

Yes joey things are getting much better, CRIME IS DOWN!!

lafew said...

I guess that we did not have the same experience in our neck of the woods. All seemed calm at Armstrong.

I just don't find that every group of kids walking on the block are looking for trouble. Walking while African American is not a crime to the best of my knowledge, nor is possession of dark skin with intent to stroll.

Just introduce yourself every once in a while. You might actually make friends with a good neighbor.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if anyone at least used Ken's #3 superart or if anyone shin shoryuken'd.

Nah, probably used the smash ball like all the other kids these days.

*Sigh*, what happened to the good ol days of 2d fighting?

Craig Gernhardt said...

We have gang wars going on. It will continue until the citizens stand up and stop it. It's obvious the Chicago officials cannot - or will not.

Craig Gernhardt said...

We missed hitting the slam - or I missed the call.

I didn't hear one call for a female hitting a male yesterday afternoon. Maybe today?

Veronica said...

And these lovely "children" are the future of America...frightening.

billyjoe said...

East Rogers Park has for the longest time (at least 20 years) been chock full of these problem kids from one-parent (usually overwhelmed underpaid working moms with ex-con boyfriends) Section 8 apartments.

Anyone who bought property in E. Rogers Park during the last two decades has got to be from out of town or absolutely clueless. The only way it's gonna get fixed is to remove these folks.

Talk of forming "Rainbow Coalitions" and "Celebrating Our Diversity" is a bunch of witless hooey that will do nothing to improve conditions between Devon Ave and Howard east of Clark St.

You can talk all you want about attending neighborhood CAPS meetings and organizing neighborhood patrols and "working with police," but the sad reality is that the cops--while saying that they "care," in reality think youre all nuts for living in this area. They certainly wouldn't themselves.

Anonymous said...

Cue Capcom - Alex & Ken Jazzy NYC '99 (Arranged).MP3

lafew said...

I wasn't from out of town. My family moved here in the thirties and have had a presence through every decade ever since.

Actually, I spent time in and out of Rogers Park. I am on my tenth consecutive year and have spent enough time on the Northshore to know better. This is a Consumer Reports best buy. It is centrally located unless you don't know your neighborhoods or are too afraid to get some fresh air.

If you don't like it, then consider keeping up with the , Corbins, Gouletas, Ramoses, Ryans, or the Steins up north. The suicide rate is higher as well as the cost of living. Imagine finding your kid in a noose when you come home from work. Once these kids leave home, the rest is unpredictable.

The summer stop down the Purple line from RP to the Evanston Farmers Market is a stones' throw. Try it, sometime and report back. Sure, we have a few kids out there but eventually it will pass. Assuming it continues, how long does it last with community attention?

A few kids traipsing around is not a war, its male hormones at work. 'I am a teen, hear me growl and let me play with my condoms in front of my friends in peace.' Some kids do things to be obnoxious. Lest we forget. ;-)

If you don't like their manners, think about a way to re-direct them without coming off like prudes, dudes!

billyjoe said...

"[In Evanston and suburbs to the north]The suicide rate is higher as well as the cost of living. Imagine finding your kid in a noose when you come home from work. Once these kids leave home, the rest is unpredictable."

A kid committing suicide in his Highland Park mansion is much different from someone being beaten and robbed by the unruly youth who plague Rogers Park.

I would also offer that the "unpredicatability" of a kid leaving his or her home in Kenilworth, Winnetka, or even Evanston is of far less concern to me than Dantrell, Dontrice, D'Anthony and their other gang-banging buddies assembling at Howard and Damen at 1 am.

Veronica said...

And, though it is unfortunate, a kid killing themselves isn't any immediate threat to anyone else, unlike the neighborhood gang parade.

On another note, Morse Fruit Market is now charging customers a quarter for a cart. Last night, I didn't see a single person with a cart in the store. I sure as hell am not paying for a cart. What is this, Aldi?

Hillari said...

I'm with lafew. . .I don't automatically assume every group of kids walking down the street is up to something, either. The other night, my boxing coach and I walked through a huge group of teenagers just hanging in and around the Loyola Park Fieldhouse. They just being loud and acting obnoxious, but they weren't out for malice.

I'm pretty sure I acted ignorant many times when I was a teenager, especially when I was with my friends. I'm sure that some people looked at me sideways because I was a young African-American. But neither being a kid or being a kid of color rates the automatic judgement of some in RP that they are automatically a problem because they are in a group.

I mean, honestly. . .do some people think if RP was all white, all crime would disappear? People CANNOT be that naive.

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