Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Political Fund-Raising is Inherently Corrupt

Fund-raising legal because they say it is

BY MARK BROWN, Sun-Times Columnist, April 15, 2008

Political fund-raising is almost inherently corrupt as practiced in these parts.

Maybe there are well-intentioned folks giving money to ... candidates based on their philosophies and hopes and dreams ...

Around here, though, people mostly give money to politicians because they want something.

They want a contract. They want a job. They want a zoning change.



Fargo Woman said...

I sent a letter to the editor at the Chicago Tribune on April 14 regarding Joe Moore's Pay to Play politicing. I included examples protrayed right here on this blog. I'm still waiting for a reply much less to see any follow-up in the guise of an actual investigative report. It seems that unless it is court coverage, i.e. AFTER the fact (as opposed to while it is actually happening and in time to perhaps be able to do something about it) the media isn't interested.

MadeInRogersPark said...

The MOORE things change the MOORE they stay the same!

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